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Integrate ADAudit Plus' intelligence with your SIEM system in real time

Security information and event management (SIEM) tools, which perform both security information management (SIM) and security event management (SEM), have simplified the process of aggregating, correlating, and analyzing security information in one console. ADAudit Plus works in conjunction with your SIEM tool by forwarding intelligent reports and security event information without the frustration of having to switch between applications.

ADAudit Plus' SIEM integration helps you maximize the potential of your existing SIEM infrastructure by forwarding logs to your SIEM console in real time. You can also export ADAudit Plus' logs to Splunk, ArcSight, and Syslog servers.

With this new feature from ADAudit Plus, you can:

  • Extend your SIEM investment's capabilities to make better, more informed decisions.
  • Eliminate the need to learn separate tools to increase productivity.
  • Integrate directly with popular SIEM tools.
  • Improve the consistency and reliability of audit information.
  • Boost the overall performance of your security system.
SIEM Integration
SIEM Integration

Do more with ADAudit Plus' SIEM integration, and stop worrying about compatibility and management console sprawl.

Other ADAudit Plus Features

Real-Time Windows Active Directory Auditing


Windows Logon/Logoff Auditing


Windows File Servers Auditing


Windows Servers Auditing

ADAudit Plus Trusted By

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