Direct Inward Dialing: +1 408 916 9892
Prudently monitor and maintain a detailed record of all user management actions in your organization to avoid hefty compliance penalties and possible IT security threats.
Maintain a detailed audit trail of critical user management actions including create, delete, move, rename, and more along with details on who did what, when, and from where.
Generate instant notifications via SMS/email every time high privileged user gets locked out of their accounts or unlocks their accounts.
Ensure that your unused and old user accounts remain disabled by monitoring every time a user account is enabled to check its necessity.
Keep a close eye on the most recent password changes and resets made by users, and gain instant insight into users who frequently change their passwords.
Quickly detect and diagnose the reason for account lockouts by checking for stale credentials, disrupted remote desktop sessions, and faulty drive mappings.
Locate user accounts that are vulnerable because their passwords are set to never expire, and enforce a strong password expiration policy to prevent credential theft.
Spot rogue insiders by looking for sudden spikes in user management activities or unusual activity time using machine learning.
Audit every time a user's attributes change along with details on their old and new values to address compliance requirements from HIPAA, GDPR, PCI DSS, and more
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