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Audit user account management actions

Prudently monitor and maintain a detailed record of all user management actions in your organization to avoid hefty compliance penalties and possible IT security threats.

Expedite Active Directory change auditing with ADAudit Plus

Audit the life cycle of user objects

Maintain a detailed audit trail of critical user management actions including create, delete, move, rename, and more along with details on who did what, when, and from where.

Spot account lockouts instantly

Generate instant notifications via SMS/email every time high privileged user gets locked out of their accounts or unlocks their accounts.

Track when a disabled user is enabled

Ensure that your unused and old user accounts remain disabled by monitoring every time a user account is enabled to check its necessity.

Audit passwords that have been set or reset

Keep a close eye on the most recent password changes and resets made by users, and gain instant insight into users who frequently change their passwords.

Quickly detect threats by monitoring user account changes closely

Analyze repeated account lockouts

Quickly detect and diagnose the reason for account lockouts by checking for stale credentials, disrupted remote desktop sessions, and faulty drive mappings.

Find users whose passwords never expire

Locate user accounts that are vulnerable because their passwords are set to never expire, and enforce a strong password expiration policy to prevent credential theft.

Enable proactive threat hunting

Spot rogue insiders by looking for sudden spikes in user management activities or unusual activity time using machine learning.

Meet regulatory mandates

Audit every time a user's attributes change along with details on their old and new values to address compliance requirements from HIPAA, GDPR, PCI DSS, and more

Gain in-depth visibility into user management activities using ADAudit Plus

  • 1
    At-a-glance display

    Use our one-stop dashboard to get a quick overview of recent user management actions.

    Easy customization

    Personalize the dashboard by choosing the most critical reports and graphs as per your organization's requirements.

    At-a-glance display

    At-a-glance display
    Use our one-stop dashboard to get a quick overview of recent user management actions.
    Easy customization
    Personalize the dashboard by choosing the most critical reports and graphs as per your organization's requirements.

  • 1
    No more blind spots

    Gain a 360 degree view on all the changes made to a specific user account throughout its life cycle in a single view.

    No more blind spots

    No more blind spots
    Log and schedule periodic reports on the complete login audit trail of every AD user in your organization.

  • 1
    Spot security threats quickly

    Employ user behavior analytics (UBA) to detect anomalous user behavior such as unusual volume or time of account lockouts in AD.

    Spot security threats quickly

    Spot security threats quickly
    Employ user behavior analytics (UBA) to detect anomalous user behavior such as unusual volume or time of account lockouts in AD.

  • 1
    At-a-glance display

    Use our one-stop dashboard to get a quick overview of recent user management actions.

    Easy customization

    Personalize the dashboard by choosing the most critical reports and graphs as per your organization's requirements.

    At-a-glance display

    At-a-glance display
    Use our one-stop dashboard to get a quick overview of recent user management actions.
    Easy customization
    Personalize the dashboard by choosing the most critical reports and graphs as per your organization's requirements.

  • 1
    No more blind spots

    Gain a 360 degree view on all the changes made to a specific user account throughout its life cycle in a single view.

    No more blind spots

    No more blind spots
    Log and schedule periodic reports on the complete login audit trail of every AD user in your organization.

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3

Monitor Active Directory for improved security, and meet compliance
requirements using ADAudit Plus.

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  • By clicking 'Get Your Free Trial', you agree to processing of personal data according to the Privacy Policy.


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Keep your Active Directory, Windows servers, and workstations secure and compliant with ADAudit Plus

Active directoryFile serverWindows serverWorkstation
Audit changes

Receive real-time notifications on changes occurring across both on-premises and Azure Active Directory.

Track user logons

Gain complete visibility into user logon activity, spanning from logon failures to logon history.

Troubleshoot account lockouts

Detect lockouts instantly and know their root cause by tracking down the source of authentication failure.

Monitor privileged users

Get a consolidated audit trail of administrator and other privileged user activities. 

Audit Windows servers

Monitor local logon/logoff activities; changes to local users, groups, user rights; and more.

Track employee productivity

See the amount of time employees spend at their workstations.

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