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Detect Active Directory (AD) account lockouts faster with real-time alerts. Analyze and troubleshoot account lockouts effectively by tracking down the source of authentication failure with ManageEngine's AD lockout tool.
Generate instant notifications when critical user accounts are locked out with details such as locked out time, machine, and more.
Audit account lockouts, view their statuses, and check for stale credentials in services, applications, and scheduled tasks.
Restore operations by locating locked out AD accounts due to faulty network drive mappings or disconnected remote desktop sessions.
Monitor and report on all AD lockouts to address compliance requirements such as HIPAA, PCI DSS, SOX, and more.
Detect insider threats by monitoring AD accounts for an unusual time or volume of lockouts using user behavior analytics (UBA).
Mitigate brute force attacks using ADAudit Plus' automated threat response to disconnect rogue users' machines from your network.
Find frequently locked out users within your AD environment over different periods to root out negligent users.
Analyze and report on all account lockout and unlock events to generate clear, concise audit records as legal evidence.
Account lockouts are problematic for two reasons:
Imagine a scenario where an account that a business-critical app is running on gets locked out, and the app stops. Just a few minutes of downtime could have serious repercussions.
To detect and troubleshoot lockouts using native tools, such as LockoutStatus.exe or PowerShell, you have to wade through several interfaces, requiring expertise and time, of which you do not have much.
With ADAudit Plus, you can detect and troubleshoot lockouts in just a few clicks. Have an expert give you a free, one-on-one demonstration of this feature.
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