Phone Get Quote
US: +1 888 720 9500
US: +1 888 791 1189
Intl: +1 925 924 9500
Aus: +1 800 631 268
UK: 0800 028 6590
CN: +86 400 660 8680

Direct Inward Dialing: +1 408 916 9892


Windows File Server Change Audit Reports

Audit Environments: Windows File Servers | Windows Failover Clusters | NetApp Filers

File Audit Reports

Server Based Reports

User Based Reports

Share Based Reports

Profile Based Reports

Profile Based Reports

Create a New Report Profile with reports from any of the above Active Directory audit reports. Select the object actions to be audited. Further, select the Domain and the object within to be associated with the report profile.

My Reports

My Reports

Any Active Directory report required for a constant monitoring can be added to My Reports, more like bookmarking a report for a very quick find.

For more information please contact :

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