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File system auditor

ADAudit Plus transforms noisy event log data into actionable information, enabling you to know who accessed which file, when, and from where across your Windows, NetApp, EMC, Synology, Hitachi, and Huawei file systems.

Simplify file system monitoring, improve security, and demonstrate compliance

File system auditing

Detect file create, modify, delete, read, and other actions as well as failed attempts to access a file.

File permission change auditing

Track file owner, system access control list (SACL), and discretionary ACL (DACL) changes, and get information on before and after values.

Instant security alerts

Spot critical accesses in real time via email and SMS. Define thresholds to detect mass access events.

Preconfigured compliance reports

Automate the generation and delivery of detailed reports, and demonstrate compliance with SOX, HIPAA, PCI, GDPR, and other mandates.

Everything you need for comprehensive file system monitoring

Anomaly detection

Leverage user behavior analytics (UBA) to spot unusual file activities based on access volume and time.

Noise reduction

Exclude data that's irrelevant to audits based on local path, file type, user name, etc.

File integrity monitoring

Audit access to program, system, and other local files across your Windows servers and workstations.

Multi-environment support

Track file activity across Windows file servers, failover clusters, Synology, NetApp filers, Hitachi, Huawei, EMC VNX, VNXe, Isilon, Celerra, and Unity.

Full visibility into file system activity is just a few clicks away

  • 1

    Know the who, what, when, and where behind every access.


    Track file create, modify, delete, and other actions.

    preconfigured reports

    Know the who, what, when, and where behind every access.
    Track file create, modify, delete, and other actions.

  • 1

    Define thresholds to spot mass access events.


    Get notified via email and SMS when thresholds are breached.


    Execute scripts to automate response actions such as shutting down a device.

    instant security alerts

    Define thresholds to spot mass access events.
    Get notified via email and SMS when thresholds are breached.
    Execute scripts to automate response actions such as shutting down a device.

  • 1

    Spot anomalies like file activity at unusual times or a sudden surge in the volume of file activity.

    anomaly detection

    Spot anomalies like file activity at unusual times or a sudden surge in the volume of file activity.

  • 1

    Know the who, what, when, and where behind every access.


    Track file create, modify, delete, and other actions.

    preconfigured reports

    Know the who, what, when, and where behind every access.
    Track file create, modify, delete, and other actions.

  • 1

    Define thresholds to spot mass access events.


    Get notified via email and SMS when thresholds are breached.


    Execute scripts to automate response actions such as shutting down a device.

    instant security alerts

    Define thresholds to spot mass access events.
    Get notified via email and SMS when thresholds are breached.
    Execute scripts to automate response actions such as shutting down a device.

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3

Keep your data secure with ADAudit Plus

Get Your Free Trialfully functional 30-day trial

Keep your Active Directory, Windows servers, and workstations secure and compliant with ADAudit Plus

Audit changes

Receive real-time notifications on changes occurring across both on-premises and Azure Active Directory.

Track user logons

Gain complete visibility into user logon activity, spanning from logon failures to logon history.

Troubleshoot account lockouts

Detect lockouts instantly and know their root cause by tracking down the source of authentication failure.

Monitor privileged users

Get a consolidated audit trail of administrator and other privileged user activities. 

Audit Windows servers

Monitor local logon/logoff activities; changes to local users, groups, user rights; and more.

Track employee productivity

See the amount of time employees spend at their workstations.

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