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Windows File Server Failover Cluster Auditing

Windows Servers Failover Cluster Auditing

Server Downtime can prove costly, sometimes in thousands of dollars, foremost is securing the High Availability IT infrastructure. Preventing the unforeseeable Windows Servers downfall is impossible, prepare with Windows Failover Server Clustering.

ManageEngine ADAudit Plus empowers you to audit and administer the crucial Windows File Server Failover Clusters. Failover Server Clustering allows for shift of access point from one Server (node) to another within the cluster and thus preventing Server downtime. Clusters signify a group of computers connected in a LAN or WAN working together for a common task with a single access point to the client and application.

Windows Failover Clusters are designed for Storage Area Networks (SAN) that supports GUID partition table (GPT) disks for partitions larger than 2+ terabytes in cluster storage and using the much secure SCSI commands. The cluster client access point being the single access point allows for scope addition / limitation to shares and aids to ease the sharing of files / folders.

Benefits of Web-Based Windows File Server Failover Cluster Auditing

  • Audit File Servers Clusters for a secure, downtime-free and a compliant network environment.
  • Meet SOX, HIPAA, PCI, GLBA Compliance Requirements.
  • An Assortment of Failover Cluster Audit, Alerts and Filter-Based Reporting capabilities.
  • Detailed Forensics of Approved & Unapproved Changes in file and folder structure.
  • Automate tracking of changes through Scheduled Reports.
  • Customizable Reports that are categorized based on File Audit, Server Based and User Based.
  • Profile Based Reports can be a chosen combination of File Audit + Server + User Reports.
  • Audit Trails with answers to the vital 4W's - Who effected what change in File Server, when and from where.

Windows File Server Failover Cluster Auditing Scheduled Reports & Instant Alerts

Audit and Monitor the complete Windows File Server Failover Clusters setup with simple, detailed, easy-to-understand audit and compliance and Failover Cluster reports along with alerts upon discrepancies'.

Cluster Failover Folder Permission Changes

Folder Permission Changes on Windows Failover Cluster

Monitor the business-critical files access / modifications trail with this Report. Track the file modifications to file / folder permissions changes! Know-it-all on network 'File / Folder, Shares & Permission' modifications!

Files Modified on Windows Failover Cluster

Track the Windows File 'Owner' and with search attributes like 'Time Modified', follow the modifications trail for the particular file in concern; UNC Name would clearly define the Windows File Server path.

Cluster Failover Files Modified
Cluster Failover Failed Delete Files Attempts

Failed Attempt to Delete File on Windows Failover Cluster

Critical is not doing the right, it is when doing the wrong. Be on track of the failed / unauthorized attempts to delete 'share' files. With 35+ filter attributes, you will never be wrong.

All File or Folder Changes on Windows Failover Cluster

Get the overview of the Failover cluster reports in a single report, enabling you to divert attention to issues, you see as critical. Scheduled reports and Email Alerts are sent upon actions you see as critical and have set alerts.

Cluster Failover All File Folder Changes

Be it Windows File Server Failover Cluster Auditing - Monitoring - Reporting, Being Compliant; ADAudit Plus with Simple Filter-Based Reports and instant Email Alerts, secures your server network environment with aplomb!

ADAudit Plus Trusted By

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