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Create bulk users in Active Directory
using ADManager Plus

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Bulk user creation in Active Directory

ADManager Plus, an Active Directory management and reporting tool, enables administrators to create users in bulk in their Active Directory environment. With its smart templates, automation, and CSV-based user creation capabilities, ADManager Plus simplifies user creation, overcoming the challenges associated with traditional Active Directory management tools like PowerShell or Active Directory Users and Computers. ADManager Plus also enables administrators to efficiently set up user attributes for all platforms in one go, including Exchange, Microsoft 365, and Google Workspace . Additionally, ADManager Plus can be integrated with a wide range of applications and databases using REST and SOAP APIs to automatically create users in enterprise applications.

AD Bulk User Creation

Create bulk users in Active Directory without PowerShell scripting

PowerShell scripts are a popular choice among administrators for managing Active Directory, particularly for creating user accounts. With a CSV file and a few lines of PowerShell script, administrators can provision users and some attributes. Here’s an example of a PowerShell script that can be used to create users from a CSV file:

Import-CSV test.csv | foreach {New-ADUser -SamAccountName $_.SamAccountName -Name $_.Name -Surname $_.Surname -GivenName $_.GivenName -Path "OU=Finance,OU=UserAccounts,DC=SOUTHWING,DC=COM" -AccountPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText $_.password -Force) -Enabled $true

However, real-world scenarios are often much more complex, requiring significant expertise in PowerShell scripting and Active Directory management to tailor scripts to meet specific needs. Even if IT administrators have the required technical expertise, performing this task day in and day out often consumes a substantial amount of time, diverting valuable resources from more critical tasks.

Active Directory bulk user creation using ADManager Plus

ADManager Plus offers various capabilities to create users in bulk. Here are the key methods available:

  • Create users using CSV files Administrators can generate new Active Directory user accounts by uploading a CSV file containing user details such as first name, last name, logon name, organizational units (OUs), group memberships, and email addresses. This method simplifies handling intricate user data, ensuring an efficient and streamlined user creation process. Provision user accounts in Active Directory using CSV files in ADManager Plus.
  • Create users using smart templates With ADManager Plus' smart templates, administrators can predefine common user attributes such as departments, OUs, and group memberships, ensuring uniformity across the Active Directory environment. Provision user accounts in bulk using the user creation templates in ADManager Plus.
  • Create users using customized automations Administrators can set up automated workflows and automatically create user accounts in Active Directory. These automations can be scheduled to run at specific intervals, minimizing the need for manual intervention. Automatically create users in Active Directory using ADManager Plus' automations.

How bulk user creation works in ADManager Plus

With the bulk user creation feature in ADManager Plus, administrators can create users in the following ways without using PowerShell scripts:

1. Create user accounts manually one after another and provision them together.

Create user accounts manually one after another and provision them together

Use this button to add users manually when you have to create only a few user accounts.

2. Import a CSV file with user data and create multiple users instantly.

Import a CSV file with user data and create multiple users instantly

Create a CSV file with the required LDAP headers and values and upload it.

3. Create templates by prefilling common attributes and necessary information and use them while creating users manually or using a CSV file.

Create templates by prefilling common attributes and necessary information and use them while creating users manually or using a CSV file

Apply a template while adding users manually or through a CSV file and ensure consistency.

Benefits of using ADManager Plus to create Active Directory users in bulk

Enhanced productivity

Save time by creating multiple user accounts at the same time, drastically reducing the effort required for bulk user creation in Active Directory.

Minimized errors

Leverage ADManager Plus' smart templates and automation capabilities to eliminate the risks associated with manual data entry.

Streamlined user onboarding

By configuring all the user attributes during user creation, ensure new users are fully operational from day one, avoiding delays or manual intervention.

Improved consistency

Through customizable templates, ensure that all accounts adhere to organizational policies, naming standards, and role-specific requirements, and maintain uniformity.

Bulk-create Active Directory users with ease
using ADManager Plus

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    Active Directory User Reports

    Exhaustive reporting on Active Directory Users and user-attributes. Generate reports in user-activity in your Active Directory. Perform user-management actions right from the report interface!

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    Active Directory Compliance Reports

    Active Directory reports to assist you for compliance to Government Regulatory Acts like SOX, HIPAA, GLBA, PCI, USA PATRIOT...and much more! Make your organization compliance-perfect!

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    Active Directory Management

    Make your everyday Active Directory management tasks easy and light with ADManager Plus's AD Management features. Create, modify and delete users in a few clicks!

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    Terminal Services management

    Configure Active Directory Terminal Services attributes from a much simpler interface than AD native tools. Exercise complete control over technicians accessing other domain users' computers.

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    Active Directory Cleanup

    Get rid of the inactive, obsolete and unwanted objects in your Active Directory to make it more secure and efficient...assisted by ADManager Plus's AD Cleanup capabilities.

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    Active Directory Automation

    A complete automation of AD critical tasks such as user provisioning, inactive-user clean up etc. Also lets you sequence and execute follow-up tasks and blends with workflow to offer a brilliant controlled-automation.

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ADManager Plus Trusted By

The one-stop solution to Active Directory Management and Reporting
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