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ADManager Plus Customer Testimonials

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They compete against the big 4 and dozens others that compete for our network, computing, and application management dollars. Their mantra is their products are game changers. And they are absolutely right.

I routinely search for products to compete against ManageEngine. I keep a healthy gauge on what is out there, what would fit in our environment, and price. I can honestly say ManageEngine consistently sets the bar. And why their products may not be "cutting edge", they are mature and feature rich.

Jonathan Merrill

ADManager Plus is simply a tool for Active Directory management, assisting technicians with template-based user creation and mass creation, editing, etc of accounts. It's a tool to make your technicians' lives easier.

Products like this are a reminder to occasionally evaluate the tasks that consume the majority of your time and search the landscape for products to make those tasks easier.


The main change we asked you were to have a roborequest without the necessity to approve requests. This grant us more flexibility because we've an automated user creation process that come from HR databases. HR fill on its db each data regarding new users, and after some elaboration, datas is tranformed in a csv file with the correct syntax to be used for ad manager. Without roborequester approver we've a process that works without man interaction and we're sure windows accounts are correctly and continuous created.

The same thing happen with user enabling or disabling users, or with user move. We've all the day windows account that need to be enabled,disabled, and moved. Doing this activity manually, everyday, cause process slowdown. With ADManager we can grant a non-stop process to our organization and this is great. Moreover we gain costs and time in managing active directory.

Now all is automated and nothing of these activities need to be checked daily. ADManager is become part of our organization.

Stefano Mazzucchelli
Desktop Application Specialist - Information Technology Services ITALY

We evaluated ADManager Plus along with several other Active Directory Management and Reporting software. After using it really made life easy for administrators. It is very understandable and fast to learn, I didn't even read the manual

Bogdan Campeanu
Network Engineer

ADManager Plus provides us a single point for our Active Directory Reports. For a small IT department this is crucial for saving time and being able to apply our energy to keeping things running smooth. I foresee this being in our arsenal of network tools for a long time to come.

Mark Anderson
IT Support, ET Investments

I'm regularly using ADManager Plus to extract up-to-date lists of users and the groups they belong to. In a department with approximately 2000 staff it is a problem trying to manage our Active Directory so that it always reflects what our business users know to be the true situation. Eg: Number of current AD users = Number of current staff and that users only have access to those drives and applications that they currently need.

I have always found Active Directory to be a very back-room and technical product only suited to network/security admin purposes. ADManager Plus puts a very friendly and powerful interface over the top of that and I’ve been very pleased with the functionality.

Greg Nockolds
Data Architect
IPPSA - Information Planning, Policy, Standards & Applications
Department for Child Protection, East Perth, WA.

ADManager Plus benefits our organization in several ways. We use it for reporting on user access returning a very granular report. The processes it streamlines makes my time with ADManager Plus more efficient. The dashboard view helps me keep compliant with my AD details "at a glance". After 1 hour with the demo version of ADManager Plus, I put in the request to purchase. I realized that quickly that I NEEDED this product, and I hated that I had to wait.

Bill Mead,
Network Administrator/Engineer
Parkview Medical Center, Pueblo, Colorado.

I first discovered ADManager Plus after coming across a situation where I needed to change Home directories for multiple users in Active Directory, I had about 120 users to apply these changes to. It was a problem that was really slowing down productivity in the sense that I was spending too much time going to each user account and specifying the new home directory which was on a different server than the current home directory, I then had to make sure the directory was created and users were able to login and be pointed to their respective directories.

I came across the Manageengine website and found to my surprise a product which would allow me to not only accomplish this task, but one that allowed me to generate reports on the fly for almost any imaginable scenario in Active Directory. Reports on users, groups, active and inactive computers, expired passwords and so much more. I downloaded the trial and completed my tasks with ease and reliability. I had successfully completed in about 1 hour what would have taken me many many hours.

The support from ADManager Plus team was top notch, I was able to reach their support department within minutes and was assisted with any problems and was even able to provide input into what modifications I thought would be nice to see in future releases. I was also impressed with the idea of not having to install the software directly on the server, ADManager Plus allows you to install the software on any machine and get all the information you need by logging into a Domain Controller as you normally would.

The bottleneck I was facing in changing the user home directories was resolved quicker than I thought it would and with very little administrative effort. My favourite feature of ADManager Plus is the reporting, I could not believe how easy and how much detail was returned. We have used these reports on numerous occasions, from notifying users of expired passwords to finding out which computers were no longer being used or which computers had been renamed but Active Directory still had the old computer name stored, it has helped us clean up Active Directory with ease.

I am very impressed by this product and would highly recommend it to any organization of any size. This is a product you can’t go wrong with. I look forward to new products by ZOHO Corp. This is truly a company with the administrator in mind!

Masood Darr
Help Desk Coordinator, Bruce Edmeades Co.

ADManager Plus has been an integral productivity tool in the efforts to standardize and streamline our Active Directory in a dynamically changing environment.

William Lucoff
Senior DBA, Jet Direct Aviation

ADManager Plus Reviews

The feature set of ADManager Plus is second to none -- John McMillen

For the past month I have been using a new tool to manage our Active Directory environment called ADManager Plus. We used the full-blown 30-day trial for about three weeks and decided last week to go ahead and make the purchase. This was a very easy to use product that is installed on a local server and managed via web browser inside your domain.

The feature set is second-to-none and provides many tools that will allow for time saved to dedicate to other tasks. Our AD environment consists of about 5,500 users and about 2300 devices. Ease of management of users alone was the main reason we looked at this product but the ability to manage devices was such a bonus that I was sold on this product.

John McMillen
Chief Information Officer
Graves County Schools in Mayfield,

For a large organization, ADManager Plus could be a real life saver! --

ADManager Plus standardizes the provisioning and de-provisioning of objects. In a native environment, full account creation takes place across multiple management windows because most users will need a mailbox, permissions, Lync settings, etc. With ADManager Plus, all of these settings can be created within a single screen.

When using the ready-made reports, you might find that you can eliminate a few logon scripts. The most striking report for me was the real last logon time report. This report is built by querying each domain controller and presenting the latest logon time. This provides an accurate report for sites with multiple domain controllers.

In short, here is what to expect under each component of ADManager Plus:

  • AD Management: This is the workhorse of the product - provides AD management. We can also work with GPOs in this section!
  • AD Reports: An extensive reporting module - currently has 150+ built-in reports for querying nearly anything needed.
  • WorkFlow: A change control feature that allows you to monitor and approve certain AD activities.
  • Automation: A Task Scheduler for AD!
  • AD Delegation: Allows you to easily delegate roles and specifics actions to Groups.
  • Admin: The Options and Configuration area for ADManager Plus

You can view the complete review of ADManager Plus here

Joseph Moody

"I could have not able to perform my role as Microsoft Sharepoint Portal server administrator if don't get to know about ADManager Plus by Adventnet Inc. tool to manage Windows server Active Directory.

Generally it is little difficult to use Active Directory from the server and using Active Directory dialog box. The advanced features are all command based. ADManager is the application which makes this use of Active Directory easy and user friendly." Read full review


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The one-stop solution to Active Directory Management and Reporting
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