Notification History

ADManager Plus lets you send notifications to stakeholders on the various management and reporting actions performed. These notifications can be collectively viewed in the Notification History page, along with their status, templates, and other relevant details.

To view the notifications triggered from ADManager Plus:

  1. Log in to ADManager Plus and navigate to the Admin tab.
  2. Under System Settings, click Notification Profile.
  3. Click the Notification History option in the top-right corner of the page.
  4. A table will then display a list of all the notifications sent from ADManager Plus, along with the following information:
    • Date and time at which a notification was triggered.
    • Notification Template that was used to send a notification.
    • Module and action or task for which a notification was triggered.
    • Name of the help desk technician who triggered the notification.
    • Notification status.
    • Additional information such as Recipients' ID, delivery status, and other relevant details.
  5. If you'd like to view the notifications sent in a particular period, specify the time frame in the Period drop-down.
  6. You can also filter the notifications based on the columns displayed. For instance, to view the notifications triggered for the management actions performed in ADManager Plus, select Management in the Module column drop-down list.

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