Automatic reviewing of vendor and contractor access to resources

It is very common for organizations to have vendors or contractors that are given temporary access to enterprise systems. ADManager Plus' automated access certification campaigns help monitor and review their permissions at specified intervals to ensure they can only access what is necessary for their tasks and only for the duration they require.

Steps to configure an access certification campaign

  1. Navigate to Automation → Access Certification → Access Certification Campaign.
  2. The resulting page will show all the existing campaigns and their details. To create a new campaign, click on Create New Campaign on the top-right corner.
  3. Under Campaign Details tab, provide the below details:
    • Certification Campaign Name: Contractors access review
    • Description: Review the contactors' access to AD groups and revoke if not needed
    • Priority: High
    • Select Domain: Domain in which the campaign must be run.
  4. Once all the above details are entered, click Next.
  5. Under Entitlements & Objects, specify the below details:
    • In the Entitlement Selection section, toggle the button beside Group Membership and select the group(s) to be reviewed.
    • In the Object Selection section, select User and choose the filter mentioned below,
      • Select User(s): Manually choose the contractors names that need to be reviewed.
  6. After completing all the above steps, click Next.
  7. In the Certifier & Scheduler tab, within the Certifier section, select a Default Certifier or choose an certifier assigning rule to assign a technician dynamically. Click here to learn how to create a certifier assigning rule.
  8. In the Scheduler section, you can define the following details:
    • Start Date: Specify the current date.
    • Run at: Specify the frequency at which the campaign must be run. Here you can choose the campaign to be run on the 1st of every month at 10am.
    • End: Select Never to keep the campaign running indefinitely.
  9. Click Next.
  10. Under Settings tab, you can select Mandate adding comments on all revoke operations in the Configuration section.
  11. In the Campaign Settings section, you can define the below actions:
    • Certification Request Expiration: Configure as 1 week
      • Select Send reminder to certifiers and configure notifications to be sent everyday, continuously after 1 day of request creation.
    • Campaign Execution: You can select a default action to be performed when the certifier has not approved or revoked an access request. You can select Take no action (Recommended).

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