Create Computers

Using this feature, can create bulk computer accounts so that these computers can log in to the domain and access the network resources.


First select the domain in which the computers must be created. Then, import the CSV file which contains the necessary computer attributes and click Apply.


  • Click AD Mgmt tab → Computer Management → Create Computers.
  • From the drop down menu, select the domain in which the computers are located.
  • Import the CSV file with relevant computer attributes and click Next.


Now, select the container in which you want to create the computers and click "Create Computers" button.


The computers will now be created successfully in AD.


The summary of the computer creation process and its status will now be displayed.

Note: Currently, ADManager Plus cannot create computers outside the domain it is installed in.
Example: Assume an organization has 3 domains - A, B, and C. ADManager Plus is installed in a machine, of Domain A. In this case, the product cannot create computers in domains B and C.

An example entry to create computers is below.


computer1,James computer,"CN=GeorgexSimonJones,OU=NTest,DC=admp,DC=com";"CN=admptestgroup,OU=NTest,DC=admp,DC=com",NewYork X98

omputer2,Williamcomputer,"CN=GeorgexSimonJones,OU=NTest,DC=admp,DC=com";"CN=admptestgroup,OU=NTest,DC=admp,DC=com",NewYork Z98

Sample CSV File

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