Installing Service Packs

ZOHO Corp periodically provides Service Packs which provide new features (requested by the customers), fixes for certain bugs and document updates in the form of HTML files. Service Packs can be downloaded from the web site, and updated into ManageEngine ADManager Plus using the Update Manager tool.

Note: Ensure that no application is running when applying the Service Pack. This prevents any files used by the application from being over-written. For example if the ADManager Plus is running, stop the server and then install the service pack.

The steps to apply a Service Pack are as follows:

  1. Start Update manager by executing the script UpdateManager.bat file located in <ADManager Plus Home>/bin directory.
  2. Click Browse and select the Service Pack file (.ppm) to be installed. Click Install to install the Service Pack.
  3. You can go through the Readme file of the Service Pack by clicking the Readme button.
Note: On clicking Install, the tool checks whether there is enough space for the installation of the service pack. If there is no enough space, the tool informs you about the lack of space. You must clear the space and then proceed with the installation.

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