
The Home tab displays a graphical view of the essential and top level information of domains in an intuitive flat UI. By default, the dashboard displays:

  • Vital Help Desk Reports
  • Canned Reports

You can also customize the information displayed on the dashboard to suit your specific needs using the built-in options.

Vital Help Desk Reports: This section holds a concise list of the essential help desk related reports. The number of password expired users and those whose password is likely to get expired within a week's time is also listed against appropriate headings. Using the change password at next logon option, the password settings of users whose passwords will be expiring in a week's time can be modified. Also, you can manage the password expired users, using the reset password, delete users or disable users options available in the options button.

Canned Reports: This section contains an auto-generated list of users listed under the most commonly used report types of the User, System and Other Reports categories. These reports get generated everyday at a scheduled time of the day.

You can also get an updated list of users with the relevant numbers based on the options you select. The Update Dashboard option allows you to synchronize the Active Directory and ADManager Plus. You can select the category of reports from the Update details of dialog. Meanwhile, if you want to know the latest details of only specific reports, use the refresh option located beside the report.

Dashboard customization options

  • Option to group important reports together in new tabs and widgets, as per your organization's needs. For instance, by creating widgets, instead of viewing the data of the entire domain, you can also choose to view only the OU-specific data.
  • Option to edit the Quicklinks to add links to the most frequently used management actions and reports.
  • Option to track workflow tickets that are at the review, approval, and execution stages.

The following links will help you manage the dashboard:

Steps to add a new tab:

  1. Click on the settings icon located right next to the Create Request option.
  2. Click on the Manage Dashboard option and click Add new tab.
  3. Enter the tab name.
  4. Click on Add.

Steps to add a new widget with default reports

  1. Click on the settings icon located right next to the Create Request option.
  2. Click on the Manage Dashboard option and click Add new tab.
  3. Enter the tab name. Click on Add.
  4. Click on the tab in which you want to create a new widget.
  5. Click on Add Widget option.
  6. Select any widget from a pre-defined list. These pre-defined widgets contain a list of AD reports by default.
  7. Select the domain and click on Add.

Steps to add a custom widget to a new tab

  1. Click on the AD Reports tab.
  2. Select any report of your choice.
  3. Apply the required OU-related filters, if any.
  4. Provide the necessary inputs (e.g. Last 'N' days) for input-based reports.
  5. Click the Add To Dashboard option.
  6. Enter the tab name and click on the + icon to create a new tab
  7. Enter the widget name and click on the + icon to create a new widget dynamically.
  8. Provide a name for the report and click on Save.

Steps to add a custom widget to an existing tab

  1. Click on the Reports Tab.
  2. Select any report of your choice.
  3. Apply the required OU-related filters, if any.
  4. Provide the necessary inputs (e.g. Last 'N' days) for input-based reports.
  5. Click the Add To Dashboard option.
  6. Select any tab from a pre-defined list.
  7. Enter the widget name and click on the + icon to create a new widget.
  8. Provide a name for the report and click on Save.

Steps to add reports to an existing widget in an existing tab

  1. Click on the AD Reports tab.
  2. Select any report of your choice.
  3. Apply the required OU-related filters, if any.
  4. Provide the necessary inputs (e.g. Last 'N' days) for input-based reports.
  5. Click the Add To Dashboard option.
  6. Select an existing tab.
  7. Select any existing widget in the existing tab.
  8. Provide a name for the report and click on Save.

Once you've added the widget to the new tab in the dashboard, you can also click on the edit icon next to the widget name to-

  • Rename the widget.
  • To change the chart type (from bar type to column type and vice-versa).
  • Logon to ADManager Plus and click on the edit icon located at the top right corner of the page.
  • Click on the Manage dashboard option.
  • Select the Add Quick links option.
  • Enter the widget name.
  • Click on Add Links and select the required management actions and reports, and click on Add in the pop-up
  • Click on Add.

Steps to view the summary of workflow tickets

The dashboard also displays the summary of the approved, reviewed and executed AD tickets. Click on the approved, reviewed and executed options, to drill-down to the actual ticket, to perform any further operation.

Help Desk - Reset Password Console: This console helps you to reset the password for the desired user account. When you click on the Help Desk – Reset Password Console button, you will be taken to the reset password section from where you can reset the password for the desired user account.

Create Request option: This button is located just above the 'Inside ADManager Plus' section and it allows you to create requests for management tasks such as user creation, user modification group modification, computer modification and contact modification.

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