Group migration

With the group migration feature in ADManager Plus, migrate groups across domains within the trusted forest in your Active Directory environment with their members, SID, and more intact.

Note: Inter-forest migration is only supported with the Migrate using ADMT option.

Steps to migrate AD groups using ADManager Plus

  1. Log in to ADManager Plus and navigate to the Management tab.
  2. In the left pane, click Migration.
  3. Under Migration, click Group Migration.
  4. Select the domain from which you'd like to migrate groups in the Source Domain field.
  5. Select the groups that you'd like to migrate in the Select Group(s) to be Migrated field.
  6. Select the domain and OU to which you'd like to migrate the selected groups in the Target Domain and Target OU fields, respectively.
  7. Under the OU Option, choose one of the following:
    • Migrate objects directly to the selected Target OU as a flat list: This option migrates the group as it is into the selected target OU.
    • Migrate objects along with their OU hierarchy to the selected Target OU: This option migrates the group and the OU the group is a part of in the source to the target domain.
  8. Under Conflict Handling, select one of the following options to avoid any duplication during migration.
    • Apply this Naming Format: Select the desired naming format that must be used while migrating the group from the drop-down. Click Advanced Settings to specify the order in which naming formats must be applied.
    • You have the option to either append or increment the suffix of the group's conflicted attribute value.
    • Note: If you choose to append, click Advanced Settings to specify the suffix length and the characters to fill the length deficit.

    • Do not migrate if conflict is detected: Choose this option if you prefer not to migrate the duplicate group.
  9. You can choose to migrate groups using ADManager Plus or using ADMT.
    • If you'd like to migrate using ADManager Plus, uncheck the Migrate Using ADMT option.
    • If you'd like to migrate using ADMT, click the Migrate Using ADMT checkbox and select the required options. For ADMT installation assistance, click here.
      • Migrate group SIDs to target domain: This option is enabled by default and cannot be edited. This ensures that the SID history of the selected groups is migrated from the source domain to the target domain during migration.
      • Update user rights: Select this option to update the user rights in the target domain.
      • Fix membership of group: This option is enabled by default and cannot be edited. This ensures that the migrated groups are added to the groups in the target domain that they were members of in the source domain during migration.
      • Copy group members: Select this option to copy the groups along with their members from the source domain to the target domain.
      • Update previously migrated objects: Associates group memberships even for those groups that have been migrated previously.

    Note: The Associated Accounts tab will not be displayed when using the Migrate Using ADMT option, as the ADMT tool will autonomously handle the migration of all associated accounts.

  10. Click Preview to view and edit the list of conflicts, selected groups, and associated accounts, then click Review to view the final migration list.
  11. Click Migrate Now to migrate the selected accounts.

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