Active Directory Computer Reports

All Computers

Provides the details of all computers in the domain.

To view the report. Select "All Computers report". Then select the domain (s) and click Generate

OS Based Report

Provides the details of the computers based on the operating system versions.

To view the report, select the domains, for which you wish to generate this report. Then, click the Select button beside the Select OS field. In the Select OS window that pops up, select the desired OS versions; if you wish to view only the server operating systems, click the All link located at the top of the Select OS window. After selecting the desired OS verions, click OK. In the OS-based report page, you can view the selected OS versions in the Select OS field. Click on Generate to fetch the report.

Workstation Computers

Provides the details of the workstations in the domain. All the computers except Servers and Domain Controllers are termed as workstations. This report is auto-generated everyday at 6.00 AM.

To view the details for a different domain, select the domain (s) and click Generate.

Domain Controllers

Provides the details of the domain controllers in the domain. This report is auto-generated everyday at 6.00 AM.

To view the details for a different domain, select the domain (s) and click Generate.

Computers Trusted for Delegation

Provides the details of the computers that are trusted for delegation. If a machine is set to Trusted for delegation, the service can impersonate a user to use other network services.

To view the report, select the domain (s) and click Generate.

Computers with Duplicate Attributes

Provides the details of all the computer objects that have duplicate values for any specified attribute.

To generate this report, select the required domain and the attribute for which you wish to check for duplicate values and click on Generate.

Recently Created Computers

Provides the details of the computer objects that were created recently. This is determined based on the user specified days in the domain.

How it works : The recently created computers list is picked up by querying the domain with the associated LDAP query, (&(objectCategory=computer)(objectClass=computer)(createTimeStamp>=20080815042538.0Z)).

To view the report, select the desired domains; if you know the exact OUs, select them by clicking the Add OUs link. specify the desired time period using the options provided (today, yesterday, on a specific date, before a specific date, after a specific date, last N days, this week, this month, any custom period, etc.), and click Generate.

Recently Modified Computers

Provides the details of the computer objects that were modified recently. This is determined based on the value contained in the ModifyTimeStamp attribute.

To view the report, select the desired domains,specify the desired time period using the options provided (today, yesterday, on a specific date, before a specific date, after a specific date, last N days, this week, this month, any custom period, etc.), and click Generate.

Recently Deleted Computers

Provides the details of the computer objects that were deleted recently. This is determined based on the user specified days in the domain.

How it works : The recently created computers list is picked up by querying the computer objects from the deleted objects container in AD. The associated LDAP query is , (&(isDeleted=TRUE)(whenChanged>=20080815042700.0Z)).

To view the report, select the desired domains; if you know the exact OUs, select them by clicking the Add OUs link. Specify the desired time period using the options provided (today, yesterday, on a specific date, before a specific date, after a specific date, last N days, this week, this month, any custom period, etc.), and click Generate.

Managed Computers

Provides the details of the computer objects that are managed by any of the domain users.

To view the report, select the domain (s) and click Generate.

Unmanaged Computers

Provides the details of the computer objects that are not managed by the domain users.

To view the report, select the domain (s) and click Generate.

Active Computers

This report provides the details of the computers through which users have logged on to the domain, during the specified time frame.

To view/generate this report,

  • Click Reports Tab.
  • In 'Computer Reports', select the Active Computers report from the reports available under account status reports
  • Select the required domains, specify the desired time period using the options provided (today, yesterday, on a specific date, before a specific date, after a specific date, last N days, this week, this month, any custom period, etc.), and click the Generate button.

Inactive Computers

Provides the details of the computers inactive for the number of days specified. Inactive computers are determined either based on their "Last Logon" time (lastLogon attribute) or the "Password Last Set" time (pwdLastSet attribute). The report is based on the selection made by clicking on the "More Options" link.

If the "Last Logon Time" option is selected: All the configured Domain Controllers (DCs) are scanned for their last logon times and computers that were not logged into for the selected period are considered to be inactive and listed. The "Last Logon time" is not replicated across DCs, and hence if any of the DCs could not be contacted while report generation, the reported data might be incomplete.

If the "Password Last Set" time is selected to determine inactive computers: The First Domain Controller (PDC) provided in the Domain Settings is scanned for the last time a computer's password was set and added to the list if greater than specified number of days.

This report is also auto-generated everyday at 6.00 AM to update the dashboard.

To view the details for a different period, specify the desired time period using the options provided (today, before a specific date, last N days, this week, this month, any custom period, last 30/60/90 days, etc.), and click Generate.

Enabled Computers

Provides the details of the computer objects that are enabled in the selected domain. Enabled computer accounts have working connection with the domain and are able to authenticate to the domain. This report is auto-generated everyday at 6.00 AM.

To generate this report, go to AD Reports tab, click the Computer Reports link on the left pane. Under Account Status Reports, click the Enabled Computers report. Select the required domains and OUs and click the Generate button.

Disabled Computers

Provides the details of the computer objects that are disabled in the domain. Disabling computer account breaks that computer's connection with the domain and that computer will not be able to authenticate to the domain. This report is auto-generated everyday at 6.00 AM.

To generate this report, go to AD Reports tab, click the Computer Reports link on the left pane. Under Account Status Reports, click the Disabled Computers report. Select the required domains and OUs and click the Generate button.

BitLocker Recovery Keys

This report retrieves the volume GUID, recovery GUID, recovery password and also the KeyPackage (in a downloadable format), of all the BitLocker protected/encrypted drives of your computers. These details help you unlock and also recover the data from the demaged/corrupted BitLocker protected drives, using the BitLocker Recovery Tool (Recover-bde).

BitLocker Recovery Keys report fetches all these details from the 'msFVE-RecoveryInformation' objects in your Active Directory. It uses the LDAP query 'objectCategory=msFVE-RecoveryInformation' for this purpose.

To generate this report, go to AD Reports tab, click the Computer Reports link on the left pane. Under General Reports, click the BitLocker Recovery Keys Report. Select the required domains and the corresponding OUs and click the Generate button.

Note: This report will fetch these data only if you have

  • Configured BitLocker encryption/protection for your computers drives
  • Backed up the BitLocker recovery information in the Active Directory

BitLocker recovery information can be saved in Active Directory only if you are running on Windows Server 2003 SP1 or later (Windows Server 2003 SP2, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2). In case of Windows 2003 SP1/SP2, it is mandatory to apply the schema extension to store the BitLocker recovery information.

BitLocker Enabled Computers

This report fetches the list of all BitLocker enabled computers in your domain. Further, this report has the capability to list the BitLocker enabled computers from multiple domains.

To generate this report, go to AD Reports tab, click the Computer Reports link on the left pane. Under General Reports, click the BitLocker Enabled Computers report. Select the domains and their corresponding OUs, for which you wish to view this report, and click the Generate button.

BitLocker Disabled Computers

This report fetches the list of all computers that do not have BitLocker keys, in your domain. Further, this report has the capability to list the computers that donot have BitLocker keys from multiple domains, as well.

To generate this report, go to the Reports tab, click on the Computer Reports link on the left pane. Under BitLocker Reports, select the BitLocker Disabled Computers report. Select the domains and their corresponding OUs, for which you wish to view this report, and click on the Generate button.

Note: Generated results can be filtered to display the member Of attributes of computers.

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