Active Directory Exchange Reports

Mailbox enabled users Report

It provides the list of all mailbox-enabled users. All mailbox-enabled users have a mailbox in exchange server.

How it works : The report is generated by querying the LDAP for all users with the attributes mailNickName and msExchHomeServer

To view the report, select the domain (s) and click Generate. You can also select the OU's of each domains to view the users of that OU's

Users without Mailbox Report

It provides the list of all users without any Mailbox. All these users do not have any mailbox in exchange server.

How it works : The report is generated by querying the LDAP for all users with the attributes 'mailNickName' , 'msExchHomeServer' and homeMDB

To view the report,

  • Click Reports Tab.
  • Click Exchange Reports which is present on the left hand side .
  • Select Users without Mailbox which is present under General Reports
  • Select the Domain for which you wish to run the report.
  • Click Generate

Mail enabled users Report

It provides the list of all mail-enabled users. Mail enabled users can receive messages only at an external mail address, they have no mail boxes in exchange server but still their names will be listed in the global address list.

How it works : The report is generated by querying the LDAP for all the users with attributes mailNickname and Targetaddress.

To view the report, select the domain (s), attribute, and click Generate.

Mail enabled groups Report

A mail-enabled group represents a collection of recipient objects. Its purpose is to speed up the distribution of messages to multiple email addresses. Mail-enabled groups can be either security or distributed.

How it works : The report is generated by querying the LDAP for all groups with attributes mailNickname and object category as group.

To view the report, select the domain (s) and click Generate.

Users with Email Proxy addresses Report

It provides the list of all users with Email proxy address. ADMP searches for the LDAP attribute proxyAddresses with the value specified.

How it works : The report is generated by querying the LDAP for the users by the value specified to the attribute proxyAddresses i.e. Proxy address=*searchstring*.

To view the report, select the Domain, enter proxy address and click Generate.

Groups with Email proxy addresses Report

It provides the list of all groups with Email proxy address. ADMP searches for the LDAP attribute proxyAddresses, with the value specified.

How it works : The report is generated by querying the LDAP for the users by the value specified to the attribute proxyAddresses i.e. Proxy address=*searchstring*.

To view the report, select the Domain, enter proxy address and click Generate.

Note: Filter this report's results using the members and member of view filters in the View Type drop-down list. This displays,
  • The members of the proxy mail address enabled groups and
  • The groups that these proxy mail address enabled groups are a member of.

Distribution List Members Report

It provides a list of users who are members in any one of the mail-enabled groups.

How it works: The report is generated by querying the LDAP of the distributed lists for the attribute member.

To view the distribution list members of a different domain, select the domain(s) and click Generate.

Non-Distribution List Members Report

It provides the list of members who do not belong to any distribution group.

To view the non-distribution list members report , Click Reports Tab → Exchange Reports → select domain and finally click Generate

Dynamic Distribution Groups

A dynamic distribution group serves the same purpose as that of an AD distribution group, but messages addressed to a dynamic distribution group are sent only to the recipients who match the defined filters. Generate this report to get a list of the dynamic distribution groups in your Exchange environment.

How it works: This report is fetched using the LDAP query, (objectClass=msExchDynamicDistributionList).

To view this report,

  1. Navigate to the Reports tab.
  2. In the left pane, click Exchange Reports.
  3. Under Distribution Lists, click Dynamic Distribution Groups.
  4. Select the domain(s) and click Generate.

Default sending size Report

This report provides the list of all users who have assigned a default size for the messages they send i.e. these users can send messages only of default size that is set.

How it works : The report is generated by querying all users with the LDAP attribute "submissionContLength", set to no value.

To view the details for a different period, specify the number of days and click Generate.

Restricted sending size Report

This report provides the list of all users who have restrictions on the size of the message they can send.

How it works : The report is generated by querying all users with the LDAP attribute "submissionContLength", set to a value.

To view the report, select the domain (s) and click Generate.

Default recipient size Report

This report provides the list of all users who can send messages to default number of recipients.

How it works : The report is generated by querying the LDAP for all users with the attribute msExchRecipLimit, without a value

To view the report, select the domain (s) and click Generate.

Restricted recipient size Report

This report provides the list of all users who have restriction on sending message to number of recipients.

How it works : The report is generated by querying the LDAP for all users with the attribute msExchRecipLimit, containing a value.

To view the report, select the domain (s) and click Generate.

Default receiving size Report

This report provides the list of all users who can receive messages of default size.

How it works : The report is generated by querying the LDAP for all users with the attribute delivContLength, without a value.

o view the report, select the domain (s) and click Generate.

Restricted receiving size Report

This report provides the list of all users who have restriction on size of receiving messages.

How it works : The report is generated by querying the LDAP for all users with the attribute delivContLength, containing a value.

To view the report, select the domain (s) and click Generate.

Default storage limit Report

While creating a mailbox-enabled user, AD prompts to specify the storage limit to a user. If there are no specific properties applied to this user account, then default storage limits are applied. This report provides the list of all users who have default storage limits.

How it works : ADManager Plus sends a query to LDAP database for all the users with attribute mDBUseDefaults, set to TRUE.

To view the report, select the domain (s) and click Generate.

Mailbox size limits Report

This report provides the list of all users who have limitation in the mailbox size.

How it works : ADManager Plus sends a query to LDAP database for all the users with attribute mDBUseDefaults, set to FALSE.

To view the report, select the domain (s) and click Generate.

Users hidden from exchange address lists Report

This report provides the list of all users with their mail addresses hidden from exchange address list.

How it works : ADManager Plus sends a query to AD for all users with the attribute "msExchHideFromAddressLists", set to TRUE.

To view the report, select the domain (s) and click Generate.

Accept Messages from everyone Report

This report provides the list of users who can receive messages from all users.

How it works : ADManager Plus retrieves the value for all users who does not have LDAP attribute "authoring".

To view the report, select the domain (s) and click Generate.

Accept messages restricted Report

This report provides the list of users who have restriction in receiving messages i.e. they are restricted to receive messages from a set of users.

How it works : ADManager Plus retrieves the value from LDAP attribute unauthOrig and authoring set to a value.

To view the report, select the domain (s) and click Generate.

Users mail forwarded to Report

This provides the list of users whose mails are forwarded to a specified user.

How it works : ADManager Plus retrieves the value from LDAP attribute Query- altRecipient=specific user.

To view the report, select the domain (s) and user (click on Select the user) and click Generate.

OMA Enabled users Report

This provides the list of Outlook Mail Access enabled users. LDAP contains different values for the attribute protocolSettings

How it works : ADManager Plus retrieves the respective value for OMA enabled users and lists.

To view the report,

  • Click Reports - -> Exchange Reports - -> OMA Enabled
  • Select the domain and click Generate

OMA Disabled users Report

This provides the list of Outlook Mail Access disabled users. LDAP contains different values for the attribute protocolSettings

How it works : ADManager Plus retrieves the respective value for OMA disabled users and lists.

To view the report,

  • Click Reports - -> Exchange Reports - -> OMA Disabled
  • Select the domain and click Generate

OWA Enabled users Report

This provides the list of outlook web access enabled users.

How it works : For the attribute protocolSettings, LDAP contains different values; ADManager Plus retrieves the respective value for OWA enabled users and provides the list.

To view the report, select the domain, user and click Generate.

OWA Disabled users Report

This provides the list of outlook web access disabled users.

How it works : For the attribute protocolSettings, LDAP contains different values; ADManager Plus retrieves the respective value for OWA disabled users and provides the list.

To view the report, select the domain, user and click Generate.

POP3 Enabled Report

This provides the list of POP3 enabled users

How it works : For the attribute protocolSettings, LDAP contains different values; ADManager Plus retrieves the respective value for POP3 enabled users and provides the list.

To view the report, select the domain, user and click Generate.

POP3 Disabled Report

This provides the list of POP3 disabled users

How it works : For the attribute protocolSettings, LDAP contains different values; ADManager Plus retrieves the respective value for POP3 disabled users and provides the list.

To view the report, select the domain, user and click Generate.

IMAP4 Enabled Report

This provides the list of IMAP4 enabled users.

How it works : For the attribute protocolSettings, LDAP contains different values; ADManager Plus retrieves the respective value for IMAP4 enabled users and provides the list.

To view the report, select the domain, user and click Generate.

IMAP4 Disabled Report

This provides the list of IMAP4 disabled users.

How it works : For the attribute protocolSettings, LDAP contains different values; ADManager Plus retrieves the respective value for IMAP4 disabled users and provides the list.

To view the report, select the domain, user and click Generate.

ActiveSync Enabled Report

This report provides the list of all 'ActiveSync' option enabled users.

How it works : In the 'msExchOMAAdminWirelessEnable' LDAP attribute, ADManager Plus checks the 'ActiveSync' specific bit and lists all the users for whom the 'ActiveSync' option is enabled.

To view the report, select the domain(s) and also the required OUs (if the search does not have to be domain-wide). Click Generate.

ActiveSync Disabled Report

This report fetches the list of all users for whom the 'ActiveSync' option is disabled.

How it works : ADManager Plus checks the 'msExchOMAAdminWirelessEnable' LDAP attribute for 'ActiveSync' specific bit, for all the users and displays the users with 'ActiveSync' option disabled.

To view the report, select the domain(s) and also the required OUs (to limit the search to specific OUs). Click Generate.

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