Active Directory Contacts Reports

All Contacts Report

This report provides the list of all Contacts in a domain.

How it works : The report is generated by querying the domain for Contact Objects. The LDAP Query associated with this operation is (&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=contact)).

To View the reports,

  • Click All Contacts under AD Reports.
  • Select the domain
  • Select the OU using ADD OUs link.
  • Click on the Generate button.

Mail Enabled Contacts Report

This report provides the list of mail enabled contact objects in the domain.

How it works : The report is generated by querying the domain for mail enabled contacts. The LDAP Query associated with this operation is (&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=contact)(mailnickname=*)(targetAddress=*))

To view the report,

  • Click on All Contacts under AD Reports.
  • Select the domain
  • Select the OU using ADD OUs link.
  • Click on the Generate button.

Recently created contacts report

This report lists all the contacts that were created over a period of time that you specify.

To view the report,

  • Click the AD reports tab and select the Contacts category.
  • Open the Recently Created Contacts report.
  • Select the domain.
  • Select the desired time period.
  • Click the Generate button.

Recently modified contacts

This report provides comprehensive information about contacts that were modified over a specified time period.

To view the report,

  • Click the AD reports tab and select the Contacts category.
  • Open the Recently Modified Contacts report.
  • Select the domain.
  • Select the desired time period.
  • Click the Generate button.

Recently deleted contacts

This report lists contacts that were deleted over a time period that you specify. It also shows the date and time at which they were created and deleted.

To view the report,

  • Click the AD reports tab and select the Contacts category.
  • Open the Recently Deleted Contacts report.
  • Select the domain.
  • Select the desired time period.
  • Click the Generate button.
Note: Generated results can be filtered to display the member Of attributes of contacts.

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