Create Contact Creation Template with Drag-n-Drop Enabled

Contact Creation Templates can be customized as per the organizational needs to include only the specific tabs or attributes that are required, display or hide and entire tab or specific fields. It is also possible to add new tab or delete existing tabs. As with tabs, it is also possible to have only the required fields by deleting unused fields, add a field from another tab to the required tab using the 'drag-n-drop' option, or hide the field from being displayed to the users..


Enter a suitable name and description for the template and select the domain in which this specific template will apply. Add a new tab, delete an existing tab or hide a tab as per the requirement. Add, remove or hide fields as required. Then, enter the values for attributes and save the template.


  1. Click on "AD Mgmt" tab --> 'Contact Management'

  2. Click on 'Contact Creation Templates' under 'Contact Templates'. This will take you to the 'Contact Creation Templates' page which lists all the available templates.
  3. Click the Create New Template link in the 'Contact Creation Templates' page.

  4. In the template creation page, enter a name and description for the template.

  5. Select the appropriate domain.

  6. Click on 'Enable Drag-n-Drop' to be able to drag and drop the fields from the 'Field Tray' to the required tabs.

  7. Note:

    1. You cannot drag-n-drop the fields which are greyed out all the fields that are being used will appear greyed out. By default, all the fields in the field tray will be greyed out as all the fields are used in the tabs.
    2. Drag-n-drop is allowed only for dragging a field from the field tray to a tab. To move a field from a tab to the field tray, delete the field from the tab.
    3. Each field can be used only once and in one tab only. The fields belonging to the Exchange tab cannot be used in any regular tab and vice versa.

  8. You can either add a new tab, in addition to the default tabs, using the 'Add Tab' option, delete any tab by using the delete option or make a tab 'silently active'. You can change the name of any tab using the 'edit' option, as per your requirement.

  9. Note:

    1. The default tabs available in the create template page are: General Tab, Address Tab, Group Tab, Organization Tab, Telephones Tab, Exchange Tab.

  10. For each tab, drag and drop the required attributes from the field groups in the 'field tray' to the required field group in the tab.

  11. Note:

    1. You cannot move a field from one tab to another directly the required field has to be deleted from the tab where it is being used, which will move the field back to the field tray and then move the field from the field group to the required tab.

  12. If required, any field can be set as a 'read only' field. This option is useful in cases where a user should not be able to enter/change a value but will have to know the value that is being assigned.
  13. Once you have made all the required changes or customizations, save the template using 'save template' option.

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