Single Contact Modification

In any organization, the contacts and their information keep changing. More often than not, it is only one or two contact objects and not all the contact objects that have to be modified or updated.

With the Single Contact Modification feature, modifying contact objects individually becomes very easy with 'Contact Modification Templates' to standardize the changes and new values to be applied.


In Contact Management page, choose Modify Single Contact option. Select the domain in which the required contact is present. Locate the contact. Apply the appropriate template from the existing contact modification templates or specify the required changes and save to complete the modification process.


  • Click on ADMgmtContact Management. In Contact Modification, click on Modify Single Contact.
  • In the modify single contact page, select the domain in which the contact is present.
  • Locate the contact by entering the name of the contact in the Search Contact box and clicking on Go . Click on the Modify Contact button placed beside the contact.
  • You can also search for the required contact by just clicking on the Go button placed beside the search contact box. From the list of all the contacts, locate the required contact and click on the Modify Contact button.
  • In the Modify Contact Properties page, select the appropriate 'Contact Modification Templates' using the Change option placed near Selected Template'.
  • You can view the changes that will be made, using the Preview option.
  • Complete the changes by clicking on Update Contact.

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