Modifying General Attributes

Administrators can use this feature for mainly 3 operations:

  • Assign an owner to manage the computer objects, which lessens the administrative burden.
  • Set the location for the computer (s), which will reduce the time involved in searching for the computer (s).
  • Provide a description about the computer (s) to help users know the purpose of the computer (s).


Modification of general attributes of bulk computer objects is just carried out in 2 steps. First, you have to set the general attributes of the computer. Then apply the attributes to the computer objects which can be selected either through CSV file or by using the search option.


  1. Click AD Mgmt tab → Computer Management → Modify General Attributes
    • Click the location check box and set the desired location for the computers
    • Click on the Managed By check box. Now, click the () icon and select the object which will manage all the desired computer (s). Then click Ok.
    • Click the Description check box and provide the suitable description based on your need.
  2. From the drop down menu, select the domain in which the computer (s) are located (Note: If you know the OU in which the computers are located, click the add OUs button and select the appropriate OU)
  3. You can now use one of the following options to list the computers whose general attributes have to be modified:
    • You can import the CSV file (sample CSV file) which contains the list of computers. After importing the CSV file, from the drop down menu (on the right hand side), select the LDAP attribute based on which you want to search the objects in Active directory.
  4. Or

  5. Use the Search option to find the computers (Note: To list all the computers just click the Search button without typing anything in the Search Box)
  6. Now, use the check box to select the desired list of computers and then click Apply.

The change summary and the status of the modification can be verified.

Roll over the mouse over the mouse_over_help icon to see the attributes in the windows native UI.

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