Modifying a Shared Mailbox in Exchange Server

As and when the requirements change, you have to modify the relevant settings of the existing shared mailboxes to adapt to the changing requirements. ADManager Plus makes the task of updating the shared mailbox settings easier and quicker, through its predefined shared mailbox modification feature.

To modify an existing shared mailbox,

  • Click the Management tab.

  • Select Mailbox Management from the options on the left hand side.

  • Click the modify single shared mailbox link.

  • In the modify single shared mailbox page, select the domain in which the mailbox to be modified is located.

  • Select the appropriate shared mailbox modification template using the change link. If you do not select any template, the defaut template specified by the administrator will be used for modifying this shared mailbox.

  • From the list of shared mailboxes displayed, located the desired mailbox. To locate the desired shared mailbox easily, use the search option located right above of shared mailboxes list.

  • Click the Modify Shared Mailbox button located in the Action column of the desired shared mailbox.

  • In the modify shared mailbox properties window that opens up, click each tab and enter the new values for all the fields to be modified.

  • If you wish to see the list of all fields that will be modified, along with all their existing and new values, click the Preview button; if you wish to make further changes, click the back button.

  • Once you have entered the new values for all the desired fields, click the update shared mailbox button to save the changes.



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