Share permissions management

This section allows you to modify the allow or deny permissions for users on a share when ever necessary.

Steps to Modify Share Permissions

  1. Select the share on which permissions are to be modified.
  2. In Select Permissions,
    • Under Accounts, select the accounts – users and / or groups to whom you wish to assign the permissions.
    • In Permissions, select the desired permissions from the ones available in the drop down box.
    • Use the Applies To field to specify the folder level up to which the selected permissions must apply.
    • Under Type, select Allow or Deny, as needed.
    • If you wish to assign a different set of permission to a different set of users and groups, click the '+' icon located at the end of the current row and repeat the above steps. Using this option, you can set different permissions for different users and groups in a single action.
    • Select the remove all existing permissions and apply only the above permissions option if needed.
  3. Click the modify button to apply the changes made.
  • You will notice a "View Recent Tasks" link on the top-right hand corner, clicking on this will give you a summary of the recent changes made to folder permissions.
  • The list of shared folders for which permissions have been modified can be exported as PDF, HTML, XLSX or CSV by clicking the 'Export as' button.

This section allows you to remove the allow or deny permissions for users on a share when ever necessary.

Steps to remove share permissions

  1. Select the share from which permissions are to be removed.
  2. Select the user accounts and/or groups for whom permissions should be changed. ( you can remove permissions for multiple users in a single task by using the “+” symbol available)
  3. In the permissions’ drop down list choose the permissions set to be removed.
  4. Finally choose the type of permission - allow or deny. You can remove different sets of permissions for different users at one go, using the '+' icon located at the end of the row.
  5. Click the remove button to apply the changes.
  • You will notice a “View Recent Tasks” link on the top-right hand corner, clicking on this will give you a summary of the recent changes made to folder permissions.
  • The list of shared folders for which permissions have been removed can be exported as PDF, HTML, XLSX or CSV by clicking the 'Export as' button.

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