Manage User Photos with templates


    ADManager Plus allows you to manage users' photos in Active Directory and Exchange, either one-by-one or in bulk, through user creation and modification templates.

    Steps to manage user photos one by one

    • Click the Management tab.

    • In User Management, click the User Creation Templates or User Modification Templates link located under User Templates.

    • To manage user photos, select the preferred template from the existing templates or select Create New Template from the top right corner of the page.

    • Select Enable drag-n-drop to customize the templates.

    • Under the General section under Field Tray, select User Photo and drag and drop it to any preferred location.

    • In the Edit User Photo dialog box, the user photo can be uploaded from the system by choosing the Browse option.

    • The user photo can be uploaded for users by choosing any of the photo attributes (thumbnailPhoto,exchangePhoto,thumbnailLogo,photo,jpegPhoto) from the drop down list. A high resolution photo for a user in Exchange can be uploaded by selecting the exchangePhoto attribute from the drop down list.

    • By following the above steps in User Modification templates, the administrator can manage user photos and Exchange user photo in user modification.