Bulk Group Management

ADManager Plus offers the flexibility to manage multiple groups via its Bulk Group Management feature which allows you to perform the following operations:

Highlights of bulk group modification

  • Acts as a shortcut to execute some of the most frequently performed group management tasks like delete groups and move groups.
  • Makes it easy to modify only a specific set of attributes like organization attributes and Exchange attributes.
  • Modifies groups in bulk, in multiple OUs (you can exclude the child OUs if you do not wish to modify the group objects located within them)

Delete Groups

When the intended purpose of groups has been completed, the next step is to delete the groups from Active Directory. Using ADManager Plus, it is very simple to delete bulk groups from Active Directory in a single stroke.


You have to import the list of Groups that need to be deleted and click Apply.


  • Select AD Mgmt → Group Management → Delete Groups
  • From the drop down menu, select the domain in which the groups are located.(Note: If you know the OU in which the groups are located, click the add OUs button and select the appropriate OU)
  • You can now use one of the following options to list the groups that have to be deleted.
    • You can import the CSV file (sample CSV file) which contains the list of groups that have to be deleted. After importing the CSV file, from the drop down menu (on the right hand side), select the attribute based on which you want to display the group accounts.


    • Use the Search option to search for the groups (Note: To list all the groups in the domain, hit the search button without entering anything in the Search box.
  • Now, use the check box to select the desired list of groups and click Apply.

Modify Organization Attributes Of Group

It is important to keep the organizational attributes of the group such as its email, description, the groups to which it belongs and its manager frequently updated. This calls for modification of the organization attributes.


You must first set the organization attributes of the groups. Then, apply these attributes to the list of groups whose attributes need to be modified.


  • Select AD Mgmt → Group Management → Organization Attributes
  • Set the email, description and notes for the group
  • To modify member of attribute of the group, click the add/edit button to modify
  • To set the manager for the group, click managed by and set the manager for the group
  • From the drop down menu, select the domain  in which the groups are located.( Note: If you know the OU in which the groups are located, click the add OUs button and select the appropriate OU)
  • You can now use one of the following options to list the groups that have to be deleted.
    • You can import the CSV file (sample CSV file) which contains the list of groups that have to be deleted. After importing the CSV file, from the drop down menu (on the right hand side), select the attribute based on which you want to display the group accounts.


    • Use the Search option to search for the groups (Note: To list all the groups in the domain, hit the search button without entering anything in the Search box.
  • Now, use the check box to select the desired list of groups and Click Apply.

The change summary and the status of the modification can be verified.

Move Groups

When you want to use the group for a different purpose, then you can move the groups to a different container/OU.


First select the container/OU to which you want to move the groups. Then, select the list of groups that need to be moved either by importing a CSV file or by using the Search option and finally click apply.


  • Click AD Mgmt tab → Group Management → Move Groups
  • Click the + icon and select the container to which you want to move the Groups.
  • From the drop down menu, select the domain in which the Group are located (Note: If you know the OU in which the groups are located, click the add OUs button and select the appropriate OU)
  • You can now use one of the following options to list the groups that have to be moved to a different OU.
    • You can import the CSV file (sample CSV file) which contains the list of groups. On importing the CSV file, from the drop down menu (on the right hand side), select the attribute based on which you want to display the groups.


    • Use the Search option to find the groups (Note: To list all the groups just click the Search button without typing anything in the Search Box)
  • Now, use the check box to select the desired list of groups and then click Apply.

The change summary and the status of the modification can be verified.

Modify Exchange Attributes of Group

Using this feature, modify the exchange attributes of the groups like blocking mails from specific users and also setting the size of the mails that can be received by the groups.


First, set the values for exchange attributes for the group. Then, apply these values to the groups whose exchange attributes have to be modified.


  • Click AD Mgmt → Group Management → Modify Exchange Attributes
  • To set delivery restrictions for the incoming mails
    • Set the receiving message size
    • Decide the objects from whom the group can accept messages
  • From the drop down menu, select the domain in which the Group are located (Note: If you know the OU in which the groups are located, click the add OUs button and select the appropriate OU)
  • You can now use one of the following options to list the groups that have to be moved to a different OU.
    • You can import the CSV file (sample CSV file) which contains the list of groups. On importing the CSV file, from the drop down menu (on the right hand side), select the attribute based on which you want to display the groups.


    • Use the Search option to find the groups (Note: To list all the groups just click the Search button without typing anything in the Search Box)
  • Now, use the check box to select the desired list of groups and then click Apply.

Restore deleted groups

Accidental deletion of Active Directory information can bring your organization to a standstill. In such scenarios, a swift restoration of AD objects is essential for the business to continue undisturbed. ADManager Plus' Restore Deleted groups option is a script-free way to bring back deleted groups in bulk, with just a few clicks.

Steps to restore deleted groups:

  • Navigate to the Management tab → Group Management → Bulk Group Modification → Restore Deleted Groups.
  • In the Restore groups from Recycle Bin page, select the domain.
  • Specify the groups to be restored in any of the following ways:
    • Locate the groups using the search option.
    • Alternatively, import a CSV file that has the list of groups using the CSV Import option. You can get more information on LDAP attributes supported in CSV import, here.
      Note: You can search for the deleted groups using their name or sAMAccountName.
    • Click Apply to restore the deleted groups.
Note: The deleted groups will be restored with all the attributes intact only in Active Directory 2008 R2 versions or later with the Recycle Bin feature enabled. In all other earlier versions, the groups will be restored only with the mandatory attributes and not all attributes.

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