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User Reports

Basic Reports

View complete details about all users, user accounts that have empty and duplicate attributes, and recently created, modified, or deleted users.

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Account Status Reports

View the status of user accounts including enabled and disabled users, accounts that have been locked out, smart card enabled user accounts, and more.

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Real Last Logon Report

View information about the true last logon time of user accounts in your organization without scripting in PowerShell.

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Inactive Users Report

Identify AD users who have been inactive for a specified period of time and manage them right from the report.

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Never Logged on Users Report

View information about users who have never logged on to the domain and avoid security attacks by managing them right from the report.

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Recently Logged on Users Report

Find out which users recently logged on based on their last logon time.

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Basic Reports

View general information about all user accounts in your organization.

All users - View details about all users in selected domains.

Recently updated users - Get details about recently created, modified, and deleted user accounts.

Users with empty attributes - Identify users with blank attributes.

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User Reports

Account Status Reports

Manage user accounts efficiently by swiftly identifying their account status. Use these reports to:

  • Discover users who have been locked out due to an abnormal number of incorrect login attempts.
  • Identify disabled accounts in order to delete them or move them to a different OU.
  • Locate user accounts that are obsolete or are soon to be obsolete.

Depending on your organization's housekeeping policy, these reports will help you clean up your Active Directory (AD). They'll also help you save time by reducing the amount of PowerShell scripting you have to do.

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User Reports

Real Last Logon Report

In a multiple domain controller (DC) environment, it's difficult to ascertain when a user last logged on. Each DC shows a different last logon time and using the native tools to discover the exact last logon time is complex and time-consuming. ADManager Plus queries all DCs in your environment to give you the exact last logon time for all users.

In addition to just viewing all the information pertaining to a user's last logon time, you can also perform management actions right from the report. You can disable, delete, or enable a user.

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User Reports

Inactive Users Report

Using PowerShell and other native tools to discover inactive users is a time-consuming and complex process. Especially since an environment with multiple domain controllers gives a different last logon time for each DC. ADManager Plus simplifies this by querying all DCs so you can see which users have been inactive for a particular period of time.

The built-in management functionality of this report allows you to:

  • Delete or disable selected users.
  • Move users to a specific container.
  • Reset users' passwords.
  • Modify SMTP addresses.

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User Reports

Never Logged on Users Report

User accounts that were never logged on to can create security mishaps, since they serve as potential entry points for attackers. While Microsoft Saved Queries help in identifying users who have not logged on to their accounts, getting the creation time for each user account is a complex process.

ADManager Plus displays not just the never logged on users, but also when each account was created. Additionally, you can enable, disable, delete, and move users that have never logged on right from the report itself.

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User Reports

Recently Logged on Users Report

Identify the users who logged on to their account within the past N days. ADManager Plus queries all the domain controllers in your AD environment to determine when users last logged on.

All you need to do is select a period of time and the domains and OUs you'd like to audit, and ADManager Plus will do the rest.

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User Reports

Group Reports

Basic Reports

Get details about recently created, deleted, and modified groups, groups with and without managers, and more.

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Detailed Group Membership

Get details about the members of both security and distribution groups, including nested members.

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Groups for Users

See which groups specified users belong to and manage the groups right from the report.

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Groups Without Members

View information about groups that do not contain any members and delete or move them from within the report.

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Users in more than one Group

Identify users who are members of more than one group, excluding their primary groups. Manage these users from within the report effortlessly.

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Group Type and Scope Reports

Get information about groups based on their type (security and distribution groups) and scope.

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Detailed Group Membership

View information about all members of selected groups, including users, contacts, computers, and nested groups. Filter the results to both exclude and include certain kinds of users, contacts, computers, and group objects.

Organize group membership information in a table, or view a summary of membership details for each object.

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Group Reports

Groups for Users

Select a list of users and see which groups they belong to, along with detailed information about each group. View the name of the group, its entire member list, its domain name, and the group (if any) the group belongs to.

You can manage the groups right from this report by:

  • Modifying Exchange and organization attributes in bulk.
  • Moving groups.
  • Deleting groups.

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Group Reports

Groups Without Members

Get information about groups in your organization that do not have any members, including details such as the group's name, type, scope, domain name, and more. This way, you can identify the groups in your domain that are no longer needed and decide how you wish to proceed.

In addition to listing the groups that do not have members, this report also allows you to manage groups. You can:

  • Delete groups.
  • Move groups.
  • Modify groups' organization and Exchange attributes.

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Group Reports

Users in more than one Group

View information about users who are members of more than one group, not including their primary groups. Get details such as the user's display name, SAM account name, groups they belong to, primary group name, manager, and more.

Manage users from within this report by resetting their passwords, enabling or disabling their accounts, modifying their SMTP addresses, and much more.

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Group Reports

Basic Reports

View basic information about the groups in your organization.

  • Get details about all the groups in any domain.
  • View groups that were created, modified, or deleted over a specific period of time.
  • Find the groups with the largest number of members.
  • Identify groups that have the Managed By attribute filled.
  • View groups that don't have a manager.

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Group Reports

Group Type and Scope Reports

Use these reports to identify groups in your organization based on their type and scope. With these reports, you can:

  • Get details about the security groups present in domains.
  • View information about the distribution groups present in domains.
  • List groups based on both their type and scope.

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Group Reports

Computer Reports

Basic Reports

Get a complete picture of your organization's workstations, servers, and domain controllers.

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Inactive Computers Report

View a list of all computers in the domain that have been inactive for a specified time period.

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Disabled Computers Report

View all the computers that have been disabled for specified domains and enable or delete them right from the report.

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Computer Status Reports

View information about the status of computer accounts such as which ones were recently created, deleted, or moved.

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Active Computers

Find out which computers users logged on to during a specified time period and manage those computers from the same console.

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BitLocker Recovery Keys

View details about all the BitLocker recovery keys stored in AD and download the KeyPackage in the format of your choice.

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Basic Reports

These reports provide granular information on computer objects in your domain. Using some of the pre-packaged computer reports available in ADManager Plus, you can get details about:

All computers: View information about all the computers in your domain.

Workstations: List details about all the workstations in selected domains.

OS-based computers: Get information about computers based on the version of their operating system.

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Computer Reports

Inactive Computers Report

ADManager Plus lists detailed information about all computers that haven't been logged on to over a particular period of time. It queries all domain controllers in order to obtain this information.

Optimize the number of computer accounts in your organization by deleting or disabling inactive computers. ADManager Plus not only lists out the inactive computers for you, but also helps you enable, disable, or delete them right from the report. You can also move or reset computers and modify their general and group attributes.

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Computer Reports

Disabled Computers Report

Get detailed information about computers that have been disabled, including each computer's name, DNS name, OS, creation time, and more. Based on this information, you can decide if you want to delete the computers to free up some space or re-enable them.

In addition to just viewing this information, you can also perform actions on these computers from within the report. Enable, disable, delete, move, or reset computers, or modify their general and group attributes as needed.

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Computer Reports

Computer Status Reports

Get details about the status of computer accounts in your organization. Using these reports, you can get information on:

  • Computers that were recently created, deleted, and moved.
  • Computers that have a manager assigned to them.
  • Computers that do not have a manager assigned to them.

Additionally, you can also delete or disable computers directly from the report. You can also add computers to specific groups, reset or move computers, and modify their general and group attributes.

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Computer Reports

Active Computers

See which computers users have logged on to in your domain within a specific period of time. View details such as each computer's name, DNS name, last logon time, role, operating system, and more.

In addition to just viewing this information, you can also perform management actions right from within reports.

  • Enable, disable, delete, reset, or move computers.
  • Modify computers' general and group attributes.

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Computer Reports

BitLocker Enabled Computers

Fetch information about your computers' BitLocker encrypted drives, including their volume GUID, recovery GUID, recovery password, and more. Download the KeyPackage for each of your encrypted drives in the format of your choice. Having these details by your side will help you unlock and recover corrupted BitLocker encrypted drives using the BitLocker Recovery Tool (Recover-bde).

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Computer Reports

Password Reports

Recent Logon Failures Report

View a list of users whose logon attempts failed over a specified time period.

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Password Unchanged Users

View details about all users who haven't changed their passwords recently, including their display name & more

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Password Expired Users

List details about all the users whose passwords have expired including the user's display name, and more.

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Soon to Expire User Passwords

Identify users whose passwords are about to expire and notify them in advance to avoid frantic calls to the help desk.

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Users whose Passwords Never Expire

View complete information about users whose passwords never expire, including their display and more.

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Users with Password Change at Next Logon

View information about users whose passwords need to be changed the next time they try to log on.

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Recent Logon Failures Report

View a list of users whose logon attempts failed over a specified time period. Take a look at the user's display name, bad password time, password expiration date, when they last changed their password, and more.

Manage users from the report itself to:

  • Delete users.
  • Make users change their passwords at their next logon.
  • Enable and disable users.

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Password Reports

Password Unchanged Users

View details about all users who haven't changed their passwords recently, including their display name, SAM account name, password status, expiration date, the time and date their password was last set, and more.

You can also perform management actions from within the report:

  • Delete users.
  • Make users change their password at their next logon.
  • Enable and disable users.

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Password Reports

Password Expired Users

List details about all the users whose passwords have expired including the user's display name, SAM account name, when their password was last set, its expiration date, and more.

Through the report's built-in management functionality, you can:

  • Disable users.
  • Delete users.
  • Set users' passwords to never expire.

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Password Reports

Soon to Expire User Passwords

Identify users whose passwords are about to expire and notify them in advance to avoid frantic calls to the help desk.

With the built-in management functionality of this report, you can:

  • Ensure that selected users' passwords never expire.
  • Make users change their passwords at their next logon.

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Password Reports

Users whose Passwords Never Expire

View complete information about users whose passwords never expire, including their display and SAM account names, the number of days since their password was last set, and more.

With the built-in management functionality of this report, you can:

  • Delete users.
  • Enable and disable users.
  • Modify SMTP addresses.

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Password Reports

Users with Password Change at Next Logon

View information about users whose passwords need to be changed the next time they try to log on. Review each user's display name, password expiration date, the number of days since their password was last set, and more.

With the built-in management functionality of this report, you can:

  • Delete users.
  • Enable and disable users.

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Password Reports

NTFS Reports

Permissions for Folders

View information about users and groups who have access to folders in specified paths and prevent unauthorized access to folders.

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Shared Folders in Servers

View a list of all computers in the domain that have been inactive for a specified time period.

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Folders Accessible by Accounts

See which folders selected user accounts have permissions over and identify what kind of permissions they have.

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Server Permissions

List users and groups who have access to selected servers.

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Servers Accessible by Accounts

List the servers that can be accessed by specified accounts (users or groups) in your organization.

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Non-Inheritable Folders

Get details about folders protected from inheritable permissions to make sure that unauthorized accounts don't gain access to vital folders and directories because of inherited permissions.

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Permissions for Folders

View all the permissions users and groups have over folders—including users' home folders—in specified paths in your AD environment. This report displays information such as the level of access a user or group has over folders and whether the permission was inherited or explicit. With this information by your side, you can prevent unauthorized access to folders which could lead to data loss and leaks in your organization.

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NTFS Reports

Shared Folders in Servers

View information about all shared folders and their respective permissions. Use this report to ensure that only desired folders are shared. Audit the shared folders' locations, accounts (security principals) that have permissions over shared folders, the scope of the permissions (folder, sub-folder, etc.), and more.

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NTFS Reports

Folders Accessible by Accounts

View information about folders specified accounts have access rights over, including the folders' name, location, creation time, and more. You can check for folders in a specific path and filter the results based on access level (any control or full access). Review the folders that accounts can access to ensure that no account has unauthorized permissions over an important folder.

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NTFS Reports

Server Permissions

Identify which AD users and groups have access rights over specific servers. View information about the server permissions, including the server and domain names, the type of object that has permissions over that server (user or group), what kind of permissions they have, and more. With this report by your side, you can completely secure your AD infrastructure.

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NTFS Reports

Servers Accessible by Accounts

List all the servers that specific users and groups can access. View each server's DNS name, last logon time, role, OS, and more.

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NTFS Reports

Non-Inheritable Folders

View details about all the files and folders protected from inheritable permissions. Specify a path to generate a list of all the files and folders in that path that are protected from inheriting permissions from their parent objects. Look at each protected folders' name, creation time, location, and more.

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NTFS Reports

GPO Reports

Basic Reports

ADManager Plus offers several reports to help you analyze different facets of the GPOs in your organization.

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All GPOs and Linked AD Objects

View information about Group Policy Objects (GPOs) and the AD objects linked with them.

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Unused GPOs

View details about the unused GPOs in your AD environment that are not linked to any OU.

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Disabled GPOs Report

View information about all the GPOs that have been disabled in your AD environment.

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GPO Advanced Reports

Identify and obtain advanced GPO-related information about site, domain, and OU-linked GPOs.

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GPO Blocked Inheritance reports

View objects that have been blocked from inheriting GPO settings.

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All GPOs and Linked AD Objects

View all GPOs and the AD objects linked with them, including details such as the GPO's display name, linked objects, user and computer configuration settings, creation and modification times, and more.

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GPO Reports

Unused GPOs

Identify all the GPOs that are not linked to an OU in your domain. Once you've located the unlinked GPOs, you can clean up AD effortlessly. Find details such as each GPO's display name, linked objects, user and computer configuration settings, domain name, and more.

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GPO Reports

Disabled GPOs Report

Identify all the disabled GPOs present in your AD environment. View complete details about all the GPOs that have been disabled, including their display name, linked objects, user and computer configuration settings, domain name, and more.

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GPO Reports

Basic Reports

ADManager Plus offers several reports to help you analyze different facets of the GPOs in your organization. These reports allow you to:

  • Identify recently created GPOs.
  • Discover recently modified GPOs.
  • Check frequently modified user and computer settings.
  • Identify disabled GPOs with user and computer settings.

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GPO Reports

GPO Advanced Reports

Keep track of which GPOs are linked to AD objects to avoid issues before deleting a GPO. Use ADManager Plus' advanced GPO reports to:

  • View GPOs that are linked with a domain.
  • Identify GPOs that are linked with OUs.
  • Discover GPOs that are linked with sites.

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GPO Reports

GPO Blocked Inheritance Reports

Get detailed information about objects with blocked inheritance, including details such as their display name, linked objects, user and computer configuration settings, domain name, and more.

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GPO Reports
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  • AD Reports Dashboard
  • Active directory reports
  • Schedule report
  • Active Directory Reports Scheduling
  • Custom reports

AD Reports Dashboard

AD Reports Dashboard

Understand your storage better with insights into file count and volume shown in graphs and charts.

Active directory reports

Active directory reports

Choose the Active Directory component under which you want to view the report.


You can schedule to auto-generate reports at specified times by clicking Schedule Reports.

Schedule report

Schedule report

You can view, edit, and delete scheduled reports from this page.


You can create a new scheduled report by clicking Create Schedule

Active Directory Reports Scheduling


Use the given fields to create a new scheduled report and send them to desired recipients via email.

Custom reports


You can create customized Active Directory reports based on the needs of your organization.

Highlights of ADManager Plus

Out of the Box Reports

ADManager Plus extracts detailed information about your AD, Exchange, Office 365, and Google Workspace infrastructure and displays this vital data through its straightforward reports.

Built-in Management Option

In addition to checking every nook and cranny of your AD and reporting on it, ADManager Plus also allows you to perform management actions right from the reports themselves.

Schedule Reports

Schedule any one of ADManager Plus' pre-packaged reports to have them emailed to you at specified time intervals.

Your one-stop solution

to Active Directory Management and Reporting.

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Over 280,000 organizations across 190 countries
trust ManageEngine to manage their IT.

What our customers say 

      ADManager Plus provides us a single point for our Active Directory Reports. For a small IT department this is crucial for saving time and being able to apply our energy to keeping things running smooth. I foresee this being in our arsenal of network tools for a long time to come.
    - Mark AndersonIT Support, ET Investments
     ADManager Plus benefits our organization in several ways. We use it for reporting on user access returning a very granular report. The processes it streamlines makes my time with ADManager Plus more efficient.
    - Bill Mead,Network Administrator/Engineer, Parkview Medical Center, Pueblo, Colorado.
     We are an IT outsource company, for our monthly reporting and audit purposes we needed to draw scheduled reports as well as be able to make bulk changes. ADManager Plus has automated many manual processes and reduced risk of incorrect reporting formats. It was able to provide the answers we specifically sought from a reporting and audit perspective.
    - Sugan Moodley,Service Delivery Manager.
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