Integrate HRMS applications with ADManager Plus
to simplify onboarding and offboarding

Presented by


Technical Evangelist


March 30

Webinar duration

30 mins

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March 30

Webinar duration

30 mins

Employee onboarding and offboarding in Active Directory (AD) involves a number of mundane tasks. Having to do it manually and in bulk makes it even messier for IT admins. Imagine that you are working on PowerShell scripts, and the script fails. As a result, you will need to begin all over again. This makes the manual approach both complex and time-consuming.

Native AD management tools require admins to switch between multiple consoles while provisioning access rights, resulting in a lengthy and error-prone process. When it comes to bulk deprovisioning, its capabilities are limited. Stale accounts, excessive privilege, and unclean AD are critical security challenges organizations encounter when using native AD tools to manage user life cycles.

In this webinar, learn how ADManager Plus' custom HCM integration can enhance identity security by automating onboarding and offboarding.

Here is what we will discuss:

  • How ADManager Plus brings HR and IT user provisioning systems together
  • Streamlining bulk user management with customizable templates
  • Removing stale accounts using actionable reports
  • Using workflows to supervise AD user management activities
  • Best practices to make identity life cycle management smoother