A Monitor is a specific Application, Server, Service or Web URL. The performance of these Applications, Servers and Services are monitored on the basis of metrics like CPU Usage, Response Time etc.
Examples of monitors supported are Windows server monitor, WebLogic monitor, Oracle database monitor, service monitor, URL Sequence monitor, Apache monitor etc.
For eg., If you want to monitor 100 SQL Server installations in your network, the 100 SQL Servers will be considered as 100 monitors.
Consider the Apache web server that is used by www.appmanager.com. This monitor (Apache web server) may have 'N' number of performance metrics exposed. For info on what performance metrics you can see for an Apache Monitor, refer Apache Monitoring.
The total number of monitors, will include the monitors that we add by default. These default monitors will not be taken into account while calculating the number of monitors for Licensing. For licensing, the server or web server is considered as a Monitor. CPU Utilization, Response Time etc., are the Performance Metrics of a Server Monitor.
Applications Manager is tested to support the following operating systems and versions: [not a comprehensive list]
Installation is not coupled with monitoring capabilities. So you can install Applications Manager in either Windows / Linux machines and configure it to monitor the performance of Windows/ Linux/ Solaris/ HP-Unix/ Mac OS/ IBM AIX Servers etc.,
Application servers such as WebLogic server, JBoss server, etc. and Database Servers such as Oracle Database server, MySQL Database server, etc. that are monitored by Applications Manager are called Monitor Type.
Different instances of these Monitor Types running on a particular port of a host are called Monitor.
Yes, it supports monitoring of multiple Monitors in a single machine.
Yes, you can have the monitor in multiple monitor groups. And, it will not be monitored multiple times, because monitor group is a virtual grouping of monitors only.
Yes, you can discover all the Monitors running in a particular network. For more information, refer to the Discover Network section.
Once you create the Monitor, they can be viewed by clicking the Monitors tab. This lists the Monitor Type and the number of Monitors created in the Applications Manager. To view the Monitors discovered in the network, click the Configured Networks link available in the left frame under Discovery Links or in the Central module tab, under Network Discovery, click View.
Yes, you can change the polling interval using the Edit Monitor option.
This option is used to create a new Monitor where the Monitor is discovered from the network and also to collect data (performance metrics, availability etc).
A Monitor need not be associated with a Monitor Group for monitoring. Once the Monitor is created, Applications Manager starts monitoring it irrespective of whether the Monitor is added to the Monitor Group.
The purpose of associating a Monitor with a Monitor Group is to provide a holistic view to your Monitor Group.
Yes. A Monitor can be associated with multiple Monitor Groups using the Associate Monitor option. Follow the given steps:
Similarly, you can add the same Monitor to another Monitor Group by following the above steps.
Yes. You can add an old monitor to a Monitor Group by clicking on the Home tab -> go to the required Monitor Group -> click Associate Monitors link ( present in the Monitor Group Links menu on the left hand side or in the last line of Monitor Information table. From the list, select the monitor you want to add.
When a server or host is discovered, all the Monitors running in it will not be discovered. In case you want to discover all the Monitor running in a server or host, use the All Services option in the Create New Monitor screen. Refer to the Discovering All Monitors in a Host section for more information.
Yes. Using Global Settings option, you can add a Monitor to your Monitor Group without the server or the host getting added to it by default, Refer to the Global Settings section for more information.
Applications Manager archives the data for every one hour. The data can be viewed from the Reports tab. The data is archived for particular attributes of the Monitor. Refer to the Grouping Reports chapter for more details.
Additionally, you can also view the past 7 and 30 days report by clicking the and
icon respectively, available in every graph of Monitor.
Yes. Custom Monitors provide a way to monitor your Java applications that expose management information through SNMP or JMX. Hence, Custom Application can be used to monitor ManageEngine JMX agent.
Building Custom Monitor involves:
URL Monitoring tests the web pages to ensure that they are functioning properly. It supports monitoring of standard HTTP and HTTPS URLs of web pages. Refer to the HTTP URL Monitors for more information.
The difference between the two types of monitoring is that HTTP-URL monitors single HTTP and HTTPS URL, whereas HTTP-URL sequence monitors a set of HTTP and HTTPS URLs invoked in sequence.
Also, any HTTP and HTTPS URL can be monitored using HTTP-URL, provided they require no authentication details.
For Eg., If your login page has some hidden parameter that needs to be submitted while logging into your application and also the value for the hidden parameter is different for each login request. In this case, the hidden parameter value in the login page needs to be fetched dynamically and passed to the subsequent URL.
For monitoring these kind of dynamic URL Sequences, you can use $<Parameter name> in the Request Parameter text box of the URL. So, while monitoring the URL Sequence, $<Parameter name> will fetch the dynamic values and pass it to the next URL in the sequence.
Note: While using the Recorder tool, you cannot specifythe parameters in the Request Parameter text box, so instead, after adding the URL Sequence, go to corresponding URL's 'Edit Monitor' and enter the parameters.
Also refer Forums - Example
When starting Applications Manager, MySQL Server 5.0.5, which is bundled with the product, is started. Applications Manager uses this MySQL by default. We strongly recommend you to use this default database itself. If you need to dump data into your own MySQL in that same machine, follow the steps given below.
Default URL: jdbc:mysql://localhost:13326/AMDB
Change to: jdbc:mysql://<HOSTNAME>:<PORT>/<DATABASE>
Change the Username and Password to that of the MySQL Server you use.
The data for the "Threads Availability" will be shown only for 5.x versions of the Tomcat Server. This data is not available for 3.x and 4.x version of Tomcat Server. For more information on the data that is displayed for each of the Tomcat versions, refer to the Tomcat Servers topic.
Web Server : 9090
MySQL : 13326
RMI port : 11099
TCP_PORT : 12000
To modify the default port, edit the file AMServer.properties located in the <Applications Manager Home>/conf directory and modify the required ports. Restart the server for the changes to take effect.
Note: You will want to edit only the Web Server Port as it is required to connect to the Web Client. For other ports, Applications Manager automatically finds the available ports and connects to it at startup.
SQL Enterprise manager uses: [servername]\[instancename]
For monitoring MS SQL 2000 Server, you have to specify the Host Name or IP Address of the machine in which MS SQL Server is running.
What is shown in Enterprise Manager is [servername]\[instancename]. Here servername refers to the machine in which the MS SQL 2000 Server is running and instancename refers the name of the MS SQL 2000 Server. Hence while adding the MS SQL 2000 server, you have to specify only the servername part in the Hostname / IP Address field and not the instancename.
To monitor an instance, give the host name of the machine in which MSSQL instance is running in the Host Name field. DO NOT give the MSSQL instance Name in the Host Name field.
When you are running multiple instances of SQL Servers in one computer, you will have different ports associated for each instance. You can add each instance in Applications Manager by specifying the port for that instance.
To find the port in which each instance is running follow the below steps.
Besides, it is best that the Beta machine and the target host have the same operating system. Also, shutdown the Applications Manager before doing this. Applications Manager should be shutdown using the shutdownApplicationsManager.sh/.bat scripts only.
After you have done these steps, you can start the new applications manager. If you want to migrate applications manager from Windows to Linux, contact us at appmanager-support@manageengine.com
Yes, you can view historical reports of more than a month (apart from the daily, 7 days, and 30 days reports). For example, if you have data collected for more than a month or a year, you can view historical reports for a particular day or a range of days using the 'Custom Time Period' option. For more information, please refer to Viewing Reports topic.
Yes, you can disable this automatic action. Edit AMServer.properties file located in the <Applications Manager Home>/conf directory and set the am.browser.startup parameter as false. After this configuration, when you restart the server, you will need to manually invoke the web client.
For example, you have installed Applications Manager in a system with user access as 'admin'. The Applications Manager server is started. The <Applications Manager Home>/working/mysql/data/AMDB folder files are set with 'admin' permissions. In a later period you have logged into the system using another user name, say 'guest', and started Applications Manager. At this point, the AMDB files are set with the 'admin' permission. Because of the change in file permissions, there will be malfunctioning of the monitors and when alarms tab is clicked, exceptions might be thrown.
To avoid this error, you need to ensure that the same user login is used everytime you start Applications Manager in your system. If you have AMDB files with different user permissions, perform the following steps to change all permissions to a single user permission.
On performing this, all the files under <AMDB> directory is set with 'guest' permission.
Currently we do not have an option to execute action for unsolicited traps. However if you can create 7 trap listeners for each of the "Generic Type" and leave the "Enterprise OID" field empty you will be able to receive all the unsolicited traps using the trap listener itself.
If the user has the permission to execute the queries in the file AppManagerHome/working/conf/application/Oracle.xml, then the user should be able to monitor Oracle database using Application Manager.
You can associate one user to one Monitor group. For this
After you logout and login as the new user, you will be able to find only those monitors present in that group.
Applications Manager will check for the change in content from the previous output and hence the whole file is not checked during each polling.
Yes, The DNS monitor in Applications Manager does check the correctness of the DNS server. While configuring the DNS monitor you need to provide the DNS server details and a host which has to be looked up in the DNS server. We report the DNS server to be working fine when the DNS resolution happens correctly. For getting Alert you can configure Alarms.
Thresholds and actions can be associated using Configure alarm option. Refer to the Associating Threshold and Actions with Attributes section.
Yes. Threshold can be associated with both numerical and string attributes.
The child Monitors or sub-components (also called 'dependencies') determine the availability and severity of health for a Monitor Group or Monitor.
Health: The health is based on the severity of the attributes that are added as its dependencies. The severity of the attributes is in turn dependent on the Threshold. Hence the threshold is indirectly related to health.
Availability: The availability of a Monitor Group is dependent on the availability of its Monitor. The availability of Monitor is determined during discovering the Monitor and it is internally handled. Hence threshold is not related to the availability.
Refer to the Configuring Dependencies section for details on dependencies.
The child Monitors or sub-components (also called 'dependencies') determine the availability and severity of health for a Monitor Group or Monitor.
Health of the Monitor: The health is based on the severity of the attributes that are added as its dependencies. The severity of the attributes is in turn dependent on the Threshold. By default, if any one of the dependencies is critical, the health of the monitor becomes critical. The user has an option to choose the dependencies that affect the health of the monitor. Refer to the Configuring Dependencies section for details on dependencies.
The Actions assosciated would be executed only if there is a change in the severity. For eg., if the health of the monitor changes from clear state to critical state, an alarm is generated and the action assosciated would be executed, say an email alarm would be sent to the user.
Yes. You can use the Global alarm Configuration option to view all the thresholds and actions configured for all Monitors of a particular Monitor Group. Refer to the Viewing and Configuring alarms Globally for more information.
You can view the cause for the severity of every attribute using the Root Cause Analysis option. Click on the severity icon and expand the node to view the cause. Refer to the Root Cause Analysis section of Glossary.
Yes. You can associate the Monitor with a new threshold by using the Configure alarm option available for every attribute of the Monitor. In Configure alarm screen, choose the new threshold and save the changes.
You can also do the same through the Global alarm Configuration screen by following the given steps:
This changes or associates the new threshold with the Monitor. You can also follow the same steps to associate actions.
Yes. Go to View Threshold. This lists all the threshold profiles and their details. Click the Edit icon and make the changes. To edit an action, follow the same steps in View Actions.
Yes. Click on the alarm Summary icon. A dialog with the recent critical alarms pops up. To view all the critical alarms, click on the Critical part of the graph. This lists all the critical alarms in the alarms screen. The same steps can be followed to view alarms for other severity.
WebNMS offers AgentToolkit C Edtion that can help build manageability into your software by exposing information through management protocols such as SNMP, etc.
You can make ODBC connection from localhost, that is you can make connection from the machine where Applications Manager is running. If you want to access mysql from remote machine, you have to give permission in user tables.
Connect to mysql and execute following commands,
INSERT INTO user (Host,User,Password) VALUES('host name with domain name','root',PASSWORD('appmanager'));
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'root'@'host name with domain name';
To change the language from the one that you have already installed,
The database that Applications Manager uses can be run on a separate server to improve scalability.
Ability to customize reports is provided by Applications Manager. Users can run Crystal Reports on our database. We expose our Schema to customers on request.
The migration will be handled seamlessly and the customer will not have to worry about it as long as ManageEngine Update Manager (Patch Manager) is used to apply the Service Pack, to upgrade to the new version. We will normally have automatic migration of the data.
No information goes to Google. The integration of Google Map and the Applications Manager alarm information occurs at the user's browser level using AJAX.
The sequence
Applications Manager server makes no requests, sends no data to Google, only browser will send the key info to Google while making a request for their Javascript.
We do not have any agreement with Google. We only facilitate our product usage with Google Maps. As a user, you actually generate a License Key (Google Map API Key) from the Google Website and hence you will be agreeing to the Google License to use it.
FYI: Google Map Terms Of Usage
The definition of JOB means, the system load average. The term system load in UNIX computing term describes the amount of work that a computer system is doing. The load average is the system load over a period of time. An idle computer has a load number of 0. Each process that is using CPU, waiting for CPU or is in uninterruptable sleep (usually waiting for disk activity) adds 1 to the load number.
The load average is calculated as the exponentially damped moving average of the load number. The three values of load average refer to the past one, five, and fifteen minutes of system operation.
Application Manager gets the information by using the command called UPTIME or /bin/cat /proc/loadavg
JSON Feeds is the key! Refer Blog for more information.
Follow the steps given in the below link, to configure automatic report creation.
You can access the reports created, from the below URL
Where, hostName is the name of the machine where Applications Manager is running. portNumber is the port at which Applications Manager is running.
Change am.ssl.enabled=false to am.ssl.enabled=true in AppManager7/conf/AMServer.properties file. This will enable HTTPS on port 8443 (default port ). [If you want to edit this port number, edit am.ssl.port=8443 in AppManager8/conf/AMServer.properties file.]
Restart Applications Manager.
Refer Applications Manager Blog
Execute the following command in the command prompt of the Applications Manager server. This will connect to the Applications Manager MySQL.
If Applications Manager is running on Linux server,
mysql -h localhost -u root -pappmanager -P 13326 -D AMDB
Where, 13326 is the default MySQL port and this can be checked in
AppManager_Home/conf/AMServer.properties(am.mysql.port) file.
If Applications Manager is running on windows server,
AppManager_Home\working\mysql\bin\mysql.exe -h localhost -u root -pappmanager -P 13326 -D AMDB
Currently Applications Manager does not support BEA Tuxedo directly, but BEA provides various options like
1. Command Line Utilities
2. MIB.
to monitor BEA Tuxedo. It can be used with Applications Manager to monitor BEA Tuxedo parameters.
For eg. You can provide a script that uses the Command Line Utilities provided by BEA to monitor required parameters. This script, when executed will log the parameter values to a output file. You can configure the script to Applications Manager. Applications Manager will execute the script and monitor the parameters.
Refer the below link for various monitoring options provided by BEA
* Shut Down Applications Manager (Make sure the service is stopped if installed as a service)
* Open a command prompt, go to AppManager directory ( by default C:\Program Files\ManageEngine\AppManager9 ) and execute the below command,
shutdownApplicationsManager.bat -force
* Click on the windows Start button-> Run -> regedit . Then in the Registry Editor, go to
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SOFTWARE -> Microsoft -> Windows -> CurrentVersion -> Uninstall
Delete the entry saying {e6aea16f-0377-42b0-b4eb-7fa3dbbfdfaf}. If that key is not present, check and delete the keys which start like Profxxxxx or AAMxxxxx or MASxxxxx (when you click on the entries, you will see for the DisplayName key value as ManageEngine Applications Manager).
* Delete the directory which has the same name as the above entry in the
"C:\Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information\" directory
* If Applications Manager is installed as service, uninstall the service first by executing the AppManager9\bin\uninstallService.bat file
* Delete from the start menu options by right clicking on
Start -> All Programs -> ManageEngine Applications Manager 8 and choosing the delete option
* Delete all the files present under the Program Files\ManageEngine directory
The MySQL backend has been changed to MySQL 5.x from release 9 onwards. If you are using an external MySQL that is not bundled with Applications Manager, please upgrade to MySQL 5.x.
Note: If you are using the MySQL bundled with Applications Manager, we suggest you to contact our technical support team eval-apm@manageengine.com for assistance.
Each installation of Applications Manager can normally support monitoring 250 monitors (servers and applications on a 1 CPU, 1.8 GHz, 512 MB RAM, RH Linux). This could go higher based on the hardware configuration of the server on which Applications Manager is deployed and based on the load of the monitored server. The "Load Factor" should help you decide when its time to go for a distributed setup.
Yes. You can use the Enterprise Edition License initially to run a single standalone server. You can find out what limits you can push a standalone server to, and then even migrate the standalone server to a "Probe Server" with a single click in the Web Console on a need basis. Please note that you can migrate only one standalone server to a "Probe Server". Also the "Load Factor" should help you decide when its time to go for a distributed setup.
The load factor follows the format x.y, where 'x' represents load on Applications Manager Server, while 'y' represents the load on the Database used by Applications Manager. A value of zero represents least loaded, while a value of nine represents most loaded.
In case, you are evaluating the Professional Edition and would also like to Evaluate the Distributed Setup the below steps need to be followed. This will ensure that you do not start from scratch
You can view all reports and real time stats from a single console in the Central Server. But to configure, you will have to login to the Probe Server Web Console. However it is made easy providing the ability to 'jump' from the Central Console to the Probe Server console.
The Probe Servers do the work of collecting performance stats and sending alarms. The Central Server provides a single view of data in all Probe Servers. The Central Server also helps you view reports and performance stats across Probe Servers.
Probe Servers have real time and archived report data for the servers, it is monitoring. The archived reports data and alarm information are synchronized with the Central Server at regular intervals of time and stored in the Central Server too. This synching of data enables the Central Server to show consolidated reports and alarm status across all resources monitored.
The mode of communicaton between Central and Probe Server is over HTTPS. Hence, the only requirement is that both the Central Server and Probe Server should be able to access each other over HTTP(S) to ensure you get a consolidated view of the monitored resources
Since the mode of communication is HTTPS, if your resources are in different DMZs, you can get a consolidated view by using the Enterprise Edition. You will have to ensure HTTPS is allowed between the Central and Probe Servers. You can compare the performance of your web applications from geographically different locations.
Enterprise Edition will allow you to view all data. But to make configurations, you will need to go to the Probe Server console. Since a web browser sets cookies based on the <hostname> used to access the server, accessing another J2EE application on the same server will reset the session of the other.
Hence, you will need to use a work around while adding Managed Servers to the Central Server, by way of specifying a unique IP or host name. Thus you can do this by creating multiple host names / IP address for the same server.
=======You can view all reports and real time stats from a single console in the Central Server. But to configure, you will have to login to the Probe Server Web Console. However it is made easy providing the ability to 'jump' from the Central Console to the Probe Server console.
The Probe Servers do the work of collecting performance stats and sending alarms. The Central Server provides a single view of data in all Probe Servers. The Central Server also helps you view reports and performance stats across Probe Servers.
Probe Servers have real time and archived report data for the servers, it is monitoring. The archived reports data and alarm information are synchronized with the Central Server at regular intervals of time and stored in the Central Server too. This synching of data enables the Central Server to show consolidated reports and alarm status across all resources monitored.
The mode of communicaton between Central and Probe Server is over HTTPS. Hence, the only requirement is that both the Central Server and Probe Server should be able to access each other over HTTP(S) to ensure you get a consolidated view of the monitored resources
Since the mode of communication is HTTPS, if your resources are in different DMZs, you can get a consolidated view by using the Enterprise Edition. You will have to ensure HTTPS is allowed between the Central and Probe Servers. You can compare the performance of your web applications from geographically different locations.
Enterprise Edition will allow you to view all data. But to make configurations, you will need to go to the Probe Server console. Since a web browser sets cookies based on the <hostname> used to access the server, accessing another J2EE application on the same server will reset the session of the other.
Hence, you will need to use a work around while adding Probe Servers to the Central Server, by way of specifying a unique IP or host name. Thus you can do this by creating multiple host names / IP address for the same server.
>>>>>>> 30f37948823f64d1d00020ea633b5297e6b44e55Eg: Assume you have a server with the name app-server with IP address In this case, you will be able to login to only 2 consoles simultaneously and that too by accessing the servers as : http://app-server/ and
Note : The additional aliases are required to allow you to view the Central Server WebConsole and Probe Server Console simultaneously in the same browser. This limitation occurs because of the J2EE spec that mandates J2EE authorization session cookies need to be named "JSESSIONID". Hence creating multiple aliases to the same server like admin-app, ms1-app, ms2-app will be the work around for this limitation.
Note: Migration is possible between similar OS types. And also from Linux to Windows.
Central Server
<<<<<<< HEAD
1)Shutdown Admin Applications Manager.
1)Shutdown Central Applications Manager.
>>>>>>> 30f37948823f64d1d00020ea633b5297e6b44e55
2)Take a zip of AppManager_Home/working/mysql/data/AMDB folder.
3)Then install Applications Manager(Central Server) in another server and extract this zip files under the same directory(AMDB folder should be placed under AppManager_Home/working/mysql/data/).
4)Now start the Central Server.
Update the Changed Probe Server Configuration to the Central Server
Update the Changed Probe Server Configuration to the Central Server
>>>>>>> 30f37948823f64d1d00020ea633b5297e6b44e55
1) Login to the Central Server.
2) Go to the Probe Server details page (click on the Probe Servers link).
3) Click on the Edit link and update the particular Manged Server with the newly configured Host Name and port Number.
You might have have applied the professional Edition License in the Enterprise Edition Server
Make sure that you have installed correct Edition of the Applications Manager.
You can check in AppManager_Home/conf/install.txt or AppManager_Home/conf/AMServer.properties file. Here check for serverType. If you have got License for professional Edition, you need to choose Applications Manager as Professional Edition instead of Enterprise Edition while installing the product.
Upgrade Central Applications Manager first and then upgrade each of Probe Servers.
Upgrade Central Applications Manager first and then upgrade each of Probe Servers.
You have to associate the Operator user to the particular monitor group from the Central Server also.
It allows us to track crucial metrics such as response times, resource utilization, error rates, and transaction performance. The real-time monitoring alerts promptly notify us of any issues or anomalies, enabling us to take immediate action.
Reviewer Role: Research and Development