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NAT Settings

NAT (Network Address Translation) allows the Central Server to be accessible by managed devices. For any deployment to succeed, the Central Server and its respective agent-installed devices must maintain connectivity, regardless of the network they reside in.

Configuring NAT Settings

To configure NAT Settings in the product console, navigate to Admin > Server Settings > NAT Settings. The communication network can be selected as either:

LAN (Local Area Network)

To manage devices inside a LAN, follow these steps:

  1. Select Inside a LAN to manage all devices within a LAN.
  2. Enter the Private FQDN address.

WAN (Wide Area Network)

To manage devices over the internet, follow these steps:

  1. Select Via the Internet to manage devices over the internet.
  2. Enter the Public FQDN address.
NAT Configuration Details in Central Server

NAT Settings can be configured for both LAN and WAN setups based on business needs. To manage devices connected via VPN, the LAN method can be used. NAT Settings can also be secured by importing SSL certificates, including third-party certificates.

NAT Settings for LAN Setup

When managed devices reside in a LAN, IT admins can configure NAT with a private IP address/FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name). This allows managed devices to communicate with the Central Server.

The same NAT settings can be used by devices connecting to the business network via VPN.

NAT Settings for WAN Setup

To manage devices over the internet, configure NAT with a Public IP address/FQDN, which is required for WAN devices to contact the Central Server.

Note: It is recommended to configure NAT Settings with an FQDN rather than an IP address. FQDN ensures secured communication when using certificates and can be easily resolved in DNS, regardless of whether the IP address is static or dynamic.

Modify Your NAT Settings

NAT Settings can be modified at any time by navigating to the same configuration page. However, when NAT Settings are changed, previously managed devices will still attempt to contact the old FQDN/IP address, while newly added devices will use the updated FQDN/IP address.

To prevent communication disruptions for previously managed devices, ensure the former FQDN/IP address is mapped to the new one.

Secured Management of Over-the-Internet Devices

Secure Gateway Server is used to enhance security between the Central Server and managed devices over the internet. It acts as an additional security layer for device management.

To configure Secure Gateway Server, the public FQDN/IP address of the Central Server is mapped to the Secure Gateway Server. For more details on its importance and working, visit this page.

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