How do I deploy Microsoft Project 2016 using Endpoint Central?


This document provides you with steps required to deploy Microsoft Project 2016 to multiple computers using Endpoint Central (formerly known as Desktop Central).


Before you deploy the software application, ensure that the computers to which you deploy Microsoft Project 2007/2010/2013 meet the system requirements prescribed by Microsoft. Refer to this link for more details.

To deploy Microsoft Project 2016, follow the steps given below:

  1. Download the package
  2. Extract the contents of the exe
  3. Customize the installation
  4. Add the software package
  5. Deploy to target computers

Download the package

  • Download Microsoft office 2019 tool from the Microsoft website and store in the network share. Network share is recommended only if you wanted to deploy the software to computers within the network. If you wanted to deploy Microsoft Office to computers located in a remote location, you can use HTTP upload.

    Note: The network share should have read permissions to 'Everyone' in the group and should be accessible from all the computers to which you are trying to install.

Extract the contents of the exe

  • To extract the downloaded package, navigate to the command prompt and run this command.

    <File Path>\officedeploymenttool_11306-33602.exe/extract:<File Path>\Destination Folder /quiet

    Note: Ensure that you enter the correct file name in the command prompt before extracting the package. You can know the file name by viewing the details, before downloading the package from the website.

Customize the installation

  • Create a file named 'Config.xml'. Open this file from the extracted folder and then make the following changes in the file as given below:

    <Add OfficeClientEdition="64" Channel="Broad">
    <Product ID="ProjectProXVolume">
    <Language ID="en-us" />
    </Updates Enabled="TRUE" />
    </Display Level="None" AcceptEULA="TRUE" />
    </Logging Level="Standard" Path="%temp%" />

  • If you want to add Product Key while deploying the product, then edit the 'config.xml' file as given below:

    <Add OfficeClientEdition="64">
    <Product ID="ProjectProXVolume" PIDKEY="#####-#####-#####-#####-#####">
    <Language ID="en-us" />
    </Updates Enabled="TRUE" />
    </Display Level="None" AcceptEULA="TRUE" />
    </Logging Level="Standard" Path="%temp%" />

  • To download the complete package of Project 2016, navigate to the extracted destination folder, and execute the following command.
  • <File Path>\setup.exe /download config.xml

Add the software package to Endpoint Central

Here are the steps to add the software package

  1. Click the Software Deployment tab.
  2. Click Add Package.
  3. Select the MSIEXEC/EXE/ISS/Command package type.
  4. Specify a name for the application.
  5. Choose Network Path/HTTP Path based on your requirement and Locate/Add the files.
  6. Specify the Installation Command with Switches/Arguments as <Share Path>\setup.exe /configure <Share Path>\config.xml
    For example, \\machine-1\DCSWRepository\Office2019Exreacted\setup.exe /configure \\machine-1\DCSWRepository\Office2019Exreacted\config.xml
  7. Click Add Package.

Deploy to target computers

Here are the steps to deploy this package to target computers

  1. Select the package that you added and then click on Install/Uninstall Software.
  2. Enter a name and description for this configuration that you're creating.
  3. Define the Package Settings.
  4. Configure the Deployment Settings.
  5. Choose the target computers
  6. Specify the schedule options. This is optional. You can choose according to your requirements.
  7. Click Deploy.

You've successfully deployed the Microsoft Project 2016 application using Endpoint Central