

Ransomware, a multi-billion dollar industry, continues to plague businesses with devastating consequences. It infiltrates systems silently, bypassing traditional security, and leaving organizations vulnerable. One-click is all it takes to unleash chaos and cripple operations.

Anti-Ransomware is an enterprise-grade solution designed to thwart ransomware attacks before they wreak havoc. It utilizes cutting-edge AI-powered behavior detection to instantly identify and neutralize suspicious activities across your network.

Behavioral detection

Traditional signature-based detection offers limited protection against ever-evolving ransomware threats. Anti-Ransomware leverages advanced behavioral detection techniques to address this challenge.

Machine learning-powered anomaly detection

Anti-Ransomware utilizes machine learning algorithms to analyze program behavior in real time. This allows us to identify deviations from established baselines, potentially indicative of ransomware activity, even for unknown strains.

Process-level monitoring

Anti-Ransomware solution monitors processes for suspicious activities like:

  • Unsanctioned file encryption attempts, especially mass encryption events.

  • Unauthorized access or modification of critical system files.

Real-time alerting and mitigation

Upon detecting anomalies, the system triggers immediate alerts for investigation and potential containment actions.

Proactive protection

Mitigates zero-day ransomware attacks by focusing on suspicious behaviors rather than relying on known signatures.

Enhanced security posture

Provides a layered defense by complementing traditional signature-based detection with behavioral analysis. Reduced response time: Enables rapid identification and containment of ransomware incidents, minimizing potential data loss and downtime.

End-to-end analysis

Traditional security might raise the alarm after a ransomware attack, but often leaves you in the dark about where it began. Our solution sheds light on this critical aspect, combining deep forensics with actionable threat intelligence.

Advanced endpoint forensics

Anti-ransomware delves into infected endpoints to analyze system logs, memory dumps, and registry entries. This meticulous investigation helps identify:

  • Suspicious file downloads or executions that may have introduced the ransomware.

  • Exploited vulnerabilities in specific software.

  • User activities that might have triggered the infection, like clicking malicious email links.

In-depth Indicator of Compromise (IoC) Analysis

Anti-Ransomware incorporates threat intelligence feeds to identify IoCs associated with known ransomware variants. This includes:

  • Hashes of malicious files.

  • URLs used for malware distribution.

Seamless mitigation

Ransomware thrives on time and familiarity. The longer it operates unchallenged, the more data it encrypts. Additionally, attackers often target previously compromised environments because they believe security protocols might be lax. Our seamless mitigation capabilities ensure a swift and decisive response, with a unique focus on remembering past threats to prevent them from becoming repeat offenders.

Automated threat containment

Upon ransomware detection, our solution triggers automated actions to contain the threat, and process termination to stop the ransomware process in its tracks.

Alert and network quarantine

Endpoint Central provides immediate alerts to security teams on suspicious activity. It is advised to isolate the infected device which will minimize the risk of lateral movement

Behavioral pattern recognition

Our solution goes beyond simple blocklists. It analyzes program behavior for suspicious activities, even if the ransomware string is obfuscated or mutated. This allows for the identification of repeat offenders even if they've changed their appearance.

Repeat offender defense

When a program exhibits the characteristic behaviors linked to previously encountered ransomware, the system recognizes it as a high-risk threat. This recognition triggers an immediate and aggressive mitigation strategy:

  • Instantaneous process termination

    The malicious process is shut down immediately, preventing further damage.

  • Automatic rollback initiation

    Pre-defined backups are leveraged to automatically restore affected systems to a clean state, minimizing data loss.

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