IT admins can manage devices with complete liberty over their accessible locations with a Probe Server, supervised by their chief personnel using the Summary Server.
When an enterprise scales up, its endpoints are bound to spread out across geographic locations. Managing this widespread network can be a nightmare. However, Endpoint Central's Summary Server can help manage IT devices anywhere in the world. This architecture comes with a centralized console that provides a centralized and a comprehensive view of your IT.
IT operations teams can easily manage their IT with a customized Endpoint Central server called a Probe Server, which provides a super-powered dashboard and an X-ray view of the network. Sit back and relax while Endpoint Central manages your IT infrastructure.
IT admins and technicians can manage multiple IT clusters with this architecture. Create independent ecosystems to stay in touch with IT devices. Empower IT admins and C-level executives with an automated reporting workflow, reducing server loads and improving productivity.
Engineered with a Summary Server and Probe Servers, you can now use this edition to monitor and manage your endpoints across the globe to bolster your ROI.