Import & Manage Application Logs
EventLog Analyzer allows you to import and generate reports on already collected or old Windows event log (.evt format) (type .evtx format supported in Windows Vista and 2008 machines only) files. Now, you can also import the saved Syslog files. The importing event log are invaluable in forensic analysis of already available log files and determining performance and usage statistics for a windows host which had already generated these logs.
Import Event Logs from Local or Remote Hosts
You can import Windows event log files to the EventLog Analyzer server from your machine (local host). You will be using HTTP protocol to import logs from the local machine. Also, you can import event log files from remote machines (remote hosts). You can import the logs from remote machines using FTP or SFTP protocol. You can schedule the import of logs periodically both from local and remote machines.
The type of event logs that can be imported and reported on includes Application, Security, System, Directory Service, DNS Server, or File Replication Service.
Import log files for analysis from anywhere in your network.