A case study

Enterprise Network Monitoring for a Telecom Major Using NetFlow Analyzer - A case study

The Client

A large telecommunication company based in Canada that provides a full range of telecommunications products and services including data, Internet protocol (IP), voice and wireless. They provides business value to its clients with innovative communications solutions delivered through a superior end-to-end customer experience. They manage more than 2000 network equipments, including routers, LAN switches, firewalls, application appliances, wireless access points, etc.

The Challenge

Given the dynamic nature of the business they were involved in - projects that involved migrating customer's existing IT/IP network infrastructures - they need to ensure end customer satisfaction. The typical customer's network they come across is one that is old, out of date, undocumented, and waiting for technology refresh and cleaning up.

Their biggest necessity was to have details on data flow to allow avoidance of unexpected outage during the migration. Besides they did not have a clear visibility into how bandwidth was used in their network and who was using it. So they wanted a reporting system that would let them know the bandwidth usage details on WAN connections as well as at the aggregation points for capacity planning and traffic analysis at per host and per application granularity.

The Solution

The Client enabled NetFlow on about 100 customer WAN routers to export flow data to NetFlow Analyzer servers in their central network management site. The flow exports from individual routers were collected and the same was sent to NetFlow Analyzer. With reports generated by NetFlow Analyzer the client had indepth visibility to what is happening on his network. With the historical reporting that is possible with NetFlow Analyzer the client could make the most accurate estimate of his bandwidth requirement and consequently cut costs on errors in capacity planning.

Satisfied with NetFlow Analyzer's performance the Client's Network Team accorded NetFlow Analyzer the highest rating for the product's performance. The customer's testimonial read :

NetFlow Analyzer has been graded AAA by NMS group from following aspect:

  • The high stability and reliability of NetFlow Analyzer
  • The low maintenance overhead of NetFlow Analyzer
  • The excellent product support from Manageengine team
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