The real-time traffic monitoring solution

The primary goal for any enterprise's IT admin is to deliver a highly stable network without any stress or major hiccups. But given the dynamics of today's technology and networks, that could require a huge effort to gain visibility and avoid negative ramifications.

Delivering highly responsive networks and applications means keeping the network up and running, despite the heaps of traffic used. What an enterprise needs here is a Windows or Linux network traffic monitoring tool that can monitor the communication entering and leaving the network; detect occasional traffic spikes and security threats; and manage the bandwidth usage for the future as well. ManageEngine Netflow Analyzer is one such powerful network traffic monitoring tool.

Key features of a traffic monitoring tool to zero-in on

Monitor Traffic on Network - ManageEngine NetFlow Analyzer
  • Find user-specific bandwidth usage
  • Gain visibility into the traffic of flow and non-flow devices
  • Monitor distributed network traffic
Analyze Network Traffic - ManageEngine NetFlow Analyzer
  • What's this sudden traffic spike at this hour?
  • Which department or branch needs more bandwidth?
  • Which unnecessary apps need their usage controlled?
Troubleshooting Network Traffic Monitoring - ManageEngine NetFlow Analyzer
  • Traffic trend reporting: Past and future
  • Abnormal traffic behavior alerting
  • Configurable traffic summary dashboard

The NetFlow Analyzer difference in traffic monitoring

Get traffic insights, down to the nodes

NetFlow Analyzer is a full-stack bandwidth monitoring tool that uses flow technology to provide information on network top talkers. No matter the size or scope of your network infrastructure, NetFlow Analyzer scales along with your demands to tackle any and all bandwidth monitoring challenges. It offers a spectrum of advantages that includes monitoring bandwidth usage by users, prioritizing traffic to offer dedicated and streamlined bandwidth, setting up threshold-based alerts, and planning bandwidth capacity for the future.

Network Traffic Monitor Software - ManageEngine NetFlow Analyzer
What makes NetFlow Analyzer the ideal traffic monitoring tool?

Holistic traffic visibility: Picture the communication of your network, and enhance the network's productivity by discovering the what, how, and when of your network's bandwidth usage with real-time traffic monitoring. NetFlow Analyzer supports multiple flow technologies—like NetFlow, sFlow, AppFlow, and so on—to provide complete visibility without network blind spots. With a configurable dashboard and NOC view to keep you updated on metrics that matter the most to you, NetFlow Analyzer can make your traffic management all the more easier!

Network Traffic Monitor Tool - ManageEngine NetFlow Analyzer
Advanced anomaly detection

Eliminate the hassle of addressing redundant false positives of traditional rule-based security systems. Stay updated of worms or unknown intrusions with powerful Network Behavior Anomaly Detection powered by NetFlow Analyzer's Security module. It provides in-depth visibility into your network and classifies traffic behavior that doesn't fit under the known category based on its attributes. You can detect a broad scope of internal and external security threats and isolate the issues way ahead.

Advance Network Anomaly Detection
Optimization and traffic shaping

So many questions—like "Why is the CRM app unresponsive, is the bandwidth being drained?"—can pop up when there is sudden slowness. Because media-rich applications could be overutilizing the bandwidth, you can block resource-intensive applications or prioritize only those that adds value to your business with prioritization options like QoS policies, Access Control Lists (ACL), and Service Policy, all in an effort to keep the necessary bandwidth for critical applications alone. You can also check how these policies can be a game-changer with CBQoS graphs that shows pre-policy and post-policy traffic trend.

Network Traffic Shaping
Deep packet inspection and network forensics

Get the most out of granular visibility into the network traffic, and put a stop to the guessing game. Drill down to historical data to gather information on root cause of performance degradation. Understand if the congestion is because of an application or the network with critical metrics like response times and traffic volume for top protocols like TCP and UDP.

Deep Packet Inspection
Traffic alerting

Improve your network traffic monitoring approach with proactive traffic alerting and notification templates. Define the thresholds for every devices' traffic usage, speed, and volume and get notified on any violations based on the severity you have configured. You can choose how you want NetFlow Analyzer to communicate on these violations by various modes and ticketing channels like email, SMS, Slack, ServiceDesk Plus, Jira, ServiceNow, and more.

Network Traffic Alerting
Capacity planning and trend reporting

Keeping in mind the traffic management concerns of enterprises, NetFlow Analyzer has a range of built-in traffic trend reporting features. Get into the bits and pieces of bandwidth usage of users or your organization as a whole to get knowledgeable insights on where and how you can implement your management strategies.

Network Capacity Planning

Our end-users opinions on NetFlow Analyzer

Given here are some individual reviews as provided by our NetFlow Analyzer's customers to Gartner® Peer Insights™.

Fantastic Product

Overall Comment: "Awesome product! I can't say enough about the Network Analyzer product. It does a great job helping us see traffic patterns from our production datacenter as well as all of our office locations."

-Director of IT in the Healthcare industry

A Great NetFlow Analyser Tool Which Makes The Life Easier For Any Network Engineer

Overall Comment: "As a network engineer, having a decent Netflow analyzer like ManageEngine NetFlow analyzer really helps with benchmarking and troubleshooting network performance on various links. I almost use the tool daily with my job to have full visibility on the traffic and generate various reports. It also helped with designing, planning and implementing and monitoring an end to end QoS solution. I highly recommend the product to any network engineer."

-Network Engineer in the Finance industry

Great Tool To Analyze The Traffic In Your Network. If It's In Your Net, You'll Find It!

Overall Comment: "I have been using NetFlow Analyzer for more than 10 years now, in my previous company and continue using it now. I think it's a must to control, monitor, and investigate what is happening with network traffic."

- IT Manager in the Manufacturing industry

Fantastic Product

Overall Comment: "Awesome product! I can't say enough about the Network Analyzer product. It does a great job helping us see traffic patterns from our production datacenter as well as all of our office locations."

-Director of IT in the Healthcare industry

A Great NetFlow Analyser Tool Which Makes The Life Easier For Any Network Engineer

Overall Comment: "As a network engineer, having a decent Netflow analyzer like ManageEngine NetFlow analyzer really helps with benchmarking and troubleshooting network performance on various links. I almost use the tool daily with my job to have full visibility on the traffic and generate various reports. It also helped with designing, planning and implementing and monitoring an end to end QoS solution. I highly recommend the product to any network engineer."

-Network Engineer in the Finance industry


Discover more on network traffic monitoring


A brief take on traffic analysis & NetFlow Analyzer

New Feature update

Presenting NFG & DPI for easier troubleshooting


Bandwidth monitoring strategies for complex networks!

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