Installation & Startup - Knowledge Base

1. I am not able to get OpUtils installed on a Windows Machine. It fails to unpack the jars and the installation quits.

One possible reason could be that the Temp directory under which the jars are first extracted contain spaces in the path. For example, a path like this could create problems while unpacking: c:\Documents and Settings\user\Temp.

Change the Path of the Temp Directory from MyComputer--> Properties-->Advanced-->Environment Variables and try installing the product.

If you still have problems, contact with the unpacklog.txt located in <install_dir>/AdventNet/ME/OpUtils directory.


2. How do I install OpUtils as a service in Linux OS?

To run OpUtils as a service in Linux OS, follow the steps below:

  1. Download the oputils.txt and copy it to /etc/init.d directory as oputils
  2. Edit the MDIR variable in this file which should point to the bin folder of OpUtils Installation directory (eg. MDIR=/root/AdventNet/ME/OpUtils/bin).
  3. Provide executable permissions for this script using the command: chmod 755 /etc/init.d/oputils
  4. Use chkconfig command to add oputils as a service: /sbin/chkconfig --add oputils

Now, OpUtils will start along with the Linux OS


3. I do not want OpUtils start along with the system. What should I do?

OpUtils, by default, installs as a Windows service and hence it starts along with the system.

  • To uninstall OpUtils from a Windows machine, try Start > Programs > ManageEngine OpUtils > Uninstall OpUtils.
  • To uninstall OpUtils from a Linux machine, execute the command ./uninstaller.bin from the /bin/_uninst directory under OpUtils installation.



4. Whenever I start OpUtils, the browser opens to launch the client? Is there a way I can disable this?

Yes, you can disable opening up the browser upon successful server start up as below:

  1. Select Admin --> Settings --> General tab from the client window
  2. Clear the option "Open Client upon successful Server Startup" and Save


5. After logging into the OpUtils client, clicking any links or tabs from the welcome screen takes me back to the login page. Why?

The possible reasons could be:

  1. The DNS name is not configured the DNS Server - Try giving the IP Address to connect to the client.
  2. Mis-configuration in Browser settings - Try connecting to the client from a different browser/ machine.
  3. Security configuration, if any security software is installed - check after stopping the security software.


6. When I run OpUtils in a Linux machine, I get an error as "Problem while Starting Server !! System halted". What should I do to resolve this?

Try commenting the ipv6 loopback as below:

  1. Open the /etc/hosts file in an editor
  2. comment (add # preceding the line) the following line and save:

    ::1 localhost ipv6-localhost ipv6-loopback

  3. Now, try staring OpUtils.

If problem persists, contact with your contact details.


7. I am not able to run OpUtils in Windows Vista?

When OpUtils is started in Windows Vista, it does not connect to the client automatically. Open a browser and type http://localhost:7080 in the address bar to access the client.


8. Is it possible to move the installation to a new machine with the configurations and data intact?

Yes, you can transfer the data to the new installation. The steps for moving the installation varies with respect to the database you use. Click About link at the top-right of the OpUtils client to know which database you use and follow the steps accordingly. If you do not find the database details there, it means that you are using the FireBird database.

PostGres DatabaseMS SQL DatabaseFireBird Database


  1. Download the latest version from our website and install it on the computer to which you are trying to move. You should choose the database as PostGres during installation.
  2. Start OpUtils and check the Build Number by clicking the About link from the top-right of the client.
  3. Check the Build Number on your existing installation. If both are same, skip the next step then proceed directly to step 5
  4. If the build number in your current installation is not same, contact to get the upgrade pack to the latest version by mentioning the build number. Upgrade your existing installation to the latest version.
  5. Take a backup of your existing database. If you already have scheduled a database backup, copy the latest zip from the backup directory.
  6. If you have not schedueld a backup, take a maual backup of the database as explained here.
  7. Copy the database backup from your existing installation to the new installation
  8. Stop OpUtils on the new installation.
  9. Restore the database using the script located under <OpUtils_Home>/bin directory as below:
    restoreDB.bat(/sh) <backup file>
    <backup file> refers to the complete path to the database backup file that you copied from the old installation. For example: C:\Program Files\
  10. Copy the following files from your existing installation to the new installation:
    1. <OpUtils Home>\SPMHistory - to get the previously published Switch Port Mapper results
    2. <OpUtils Home>\IPAMPublish - to get the previously published IP Address Manager reports
    3. <OpUtils Home>\webapps\OpUtils\tftp - to get the previously retroeved cisco config files
  11. Start OpUtils on the new installation and register by applying the license file that you would have received from us.
  12. Check whether the data and configurations are maintained. If you are convinced, you can safely uninstall the old installation.


9. Is it possible to use OpUtils to monitor my devices in WAN?

Yes, you can use OpUtils to monitor the devices in WAN provided that you can directly access all the devices from the machine running OpUtils. You should configure your firewall to allow the ports used by OpUtils:

  1. SNMP - UDP Port 161
  2. SNMP Traps - UDP Port 162
  3. WMI - 135 & 445 (Optional. Required only when you configure WMI details in settings)
  4. Telnet - 23 (required only for Cisco Access List tool)
  5. ICMP - TCP port 7 (echo Requests)
  6. TFTP - UDP 69 (required only for Cisco Config File Manager tool)


10. When I apply the license, it throws an error.

One possible reason could be that you have installed OpUtils in a Linux OS as a super user and have started OpUtils as a normal or guest user. Start the product as super user and then apply the license.


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