One Click Auto Logon for Web Applications

4 minutes to read

    Note: This feature is deprecated from version 9000 due to security issues. Please make use of our extensions to perform one-click auto logon.

Password Manager Pro allows users to log in to web applications with just a few clicks, instead of manually entering the information. This is achieved by the users installing the Password Manager Pro bookmarklet in their browsers. The bookmarklet helps in auto-logon by auto-filling the login page of web applications with the appropriate username/password credentials.

What is a Bookmarklet?

Every browser allows users to create bookmarks for URLs. A browser bookmark typically contains a static URL and clicking the bookmark opens the URL. A bookmarklet is similar to a browser bookmark, but additionally it contains a piece of unobtrusive script. Clicking on the bookmarklet not only opens the URL, but executes the script which can be used to perform a few tasks on the opened URL. A bookmarklet is a secure mechanism to bring dynamism to browser bookmarks.

How does Password Manager Pro use Bookmarklet for Auto Logon?

As a requisite step, the Password Manager Pro user must install the Password Manager Pro bookmarklet in their browser's bookmarks bar. To use auto logon, the user clicks the right resource-name/account-name pair and then the Password Manager Pro bookmarklet in the bookmarks bar. This bookmarklet first opens the URL of the web app and then executes a script that accesses the Password Manager Pro web server, retrieves the username/password for the requested web app, populates the fields in the login page of the web app and finally submits the page for authentication. The script works only when the user is logged into Password Manager Pro and is on the right login page of the application.

To use the Password Manager Pro bookmarklet for auto logon,

  1. Navigate to Connections tab.
  2. Click Web App Connections.
  3. Drag the bookmarklet-button to the bookmarks bar to install it. This is a one time action required for every browser you use to access Password Manager Pro.

One-click Auto Logon

  • Auto logon can be initiated either from "Connections" tab or "Passwords" under Resources tab.
  • Locate the right resource-name/account-name that you want to log in to.
  • Invoke the 'Open URL' against the appropriate credential. This will open the URL in a new browser window or tab.
  • Now click the Password Manager Pro bookmarklet in the browser's bookmarks bar.
  • If you have permission to access more than one credential for this URL, the choices will be shown as a pick list. Choose one from the pick list.
  • This will populate and submit the login information. and if the authentication is successful, you will be allowed access to the web app.

Security Tip

When using public or shared computers to access Password Manager Pro and subsequently bookmarklet-based auto logon, make sure to remove the Password Manager Pro bookmarklet from the bookmarks bar after you are done using Password Manager Pro. Though the bookmarklet does not work when there is no valid Password Manager Pro session in the browser, the script may be used to obtain information about Password Manager Pro server's DNS name etc., which can be avoided. The bookmarklet can be installed or removed easily as required.

High Availability Scenario

If you have configured high availability, in the event of failover, when you connect to Password Manager Pro's secondary server, the bookmarklet installed for the primary server will not work for the secondary. You need to install bookmarklet for the secondary separately.

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