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Free Expiry Reminder

Free password expiration notifier tool for unlimited Active Directory users

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What are some challenges caused by expired Active Directory passwords?

Changing Active Directory (AD) passwords periodically can ensure good password hygiene, as it prevents hackers from gaining access to network resources, even if they have stolen user credentials. Configuring password expiration to a set number of days, say 90, is a common practice among IT admins. However, users tend to forget to change their soon-to-expire passwords and raise password reset tickets once they've expired.

This might happen because some users have AD accounts only for VPN or OWA, and so they don't log on interactively to see Windows notifications. Others might not notice the password expiration notification in their Windows taskbar, or might use macOS or Linux workstations, so they don't receive AD password expiration notifications.


What happens if you don't have a password expiration notifier?

The help desk is overwhelmed with password reset tickets. An influx of password reset tickets due to password expiration deadlines can result in the IT desk placing other significant tasks on hold to resolve password issues. The user's work is put on hold until the password is reset and the user can log in again. This can set off a chain reaction, affecting many other employees' work. When a password is reset by the help desk, it has to be given to the user in plain text. This can expose the user account to many security risks.

Nearly $210,000 is lost per year for an organization with 500 employees, due to hindered employee productivity during password resets, according to a study by Widmeyer.

Rollback needless password-related costs

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Notify users before their password expires, for free!

ManageEngine's free Password Expiration Notifier enables you to automatically send password expiration email or SMS notifications to users, reminding them about their upcoming AD password change. You can also notify users about their account status along with their password expiration details.

Because users often don't respond to a one-time password change alert, you can send multiple notifications at specified intervals. For instance, IT admins can send a password expiration alert ten days before the password expires, and then send a second reminder eight days before expiration, a third at five days, a fourth at three days, and a fifth and final reminder the day before the password expires. Learn more

What are the benefits of using a password expiration notifier?

Reduced help desk calls

By helping users be proactive about soon-to-expire passwords, you can drastically reduce the number of password reset tickets.

Better compliance

Reminding users about their expiring passwords using a password expiration notifier helps your organization comply with the PCI DSS and HIPAA regulations.


Advanced reports

Generating reports based on the delivery status of password expiration reminders ensures you are well-informed about your users' statuses.

Improve ROI

Using ManageEngine's password expiration notifier helps you cut down on unnecessary password-related costs, making it a wise investment. You can calculate the ROI from using ManageEngine's free Password Expiration Notifier in your organization, here.

Why choose ManageEngine's Password Expiration Notifier?


Comprehensive audit reports

Schedule in-depth audit reports on all password self-service activities performed by end-users. You can also export all reports in PDF, CSV, XLS, HTML, or CSVDE format to managers.


OU and group-based policies

Control to whom and when the password and account expiration notifications are sent by creating policies based on Active Directory domain, OU, and group memberships.


Customizable messages

Customize email and SMS expiration messages to make them more personal or imperative. You can add specific instructions and images.


Time-phased notifications

Configure multiple password and account expiration notifications to be sent at regular intervals so reminders don't go unnoticed.


Simple deployment

Get the free tool up and running in seconds. Since the solution uses the existing default domain password policy, there are no changes made to AD or Group Policy infrastructure and no extra steps required to get started.


Automated account expiration reminders

Automate account expiration reminders, along with the usual password expiration alerts. IT admins can also notify managers about other users' account expiration.


Say goodbye to password-related help desk calls

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1. What does a password expiration notifier do?

An Active Directory (AD) password expiry notifier solution sends reminder notifications to users as text messages, emails, or push notifications when their AD password is about to expire. The reminders prompt users to modify their password before its expiration to avoid getting locked out of their AD accounts.

2. How do I enable AD password expiry notifications for my organization?

You can deploy ADSelfService Plus' free password expiry reminder in your organization to notify users about their AD password expiry. This password expiry free tool allows you to send password expiry notifications via email and SMS, which can be customized according to your preferences. Additionally, you can scale the urgency and frequency of the messages closer to the password expiry date.
Click here for the steps to configure password expiry notifications for your organization using ADSelfService Plus. You can schedule a personalized web demo on password expiry notifications with a product expert, or get in touch with our sales team at +1.312.528.3085 or for any further assistance.

3. Does ADSelfService Plus provide AD account expiry notifications?

Yes, ADSelfService Plus enables you to send customized notifications to your users regarding their AD account expiry, much like password expiry notifications. If necessary, you can also notify the concerned managers of their employees' account expiration status.

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