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Licensing and other modules FAQs

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Backup and Restore

How do I apply the license if ServiceDesk Plus MSP service is down due to license expiry ?

In the command prompt of the server, execute run.bat command in the bin directory as depicted in the image below,


You will be prompted with a popup stating your license has expired; this popup has 2 options OK and DETAILS. Click the OK button to prompt you for the new license file. On applying the new license, the server will start.

If this does not solve the problem send an email to msp-servicedeskplus-support@manageengine.com along with your license file and our support team will get back to you shortly.

What takes up a license in ServiceDesk Plus MSP application?

Licensing in ServiceDesk Plus MSP application is based on the number of nodes and the number of technician logins. Any asset with the product type as IT asset is considered as a node. The nodes can be automatically discovered during the scanning process and takes up a license. For example, workstations, servers, printers, routers, switches and access points.

If an IT asset is moved to "Expired" or "Disposed" state, then the asset will not be considered as a node and hence will not take up a license. But these assets will be maintained in the system for historic data purpose.

You can add unlimited number of technicians in ServiceDesk Plus MSP but the login permissions provided to these technicians is based on the license purchased. Say, you have purchased license for 10 technicians, then only 10 technicians will be able to login to ServiceDesk Plus MSP and work with the application. The remaining technicians will be considered as Non Login technicians. These Non-Login technicians will not be provided with login permissions but you can configure to send SLA violation emails, group notifications and scheduled reports to these technicians.

A typical case where Non-Login technicians can be used is for your Field Technicians, who need not log into the application but be notified about the issues assigned to them. When a request is assigned to these technicians, a notification is sent via email from ServiceDesk Plus MSP and on replying to the notification email upon completing of their job, ServiceDesk Plus MSP appends this email into the original request automatically.

I would like to delete the default administrator account as it takes up a license? How do I go about it?

You can remove "Administrator" account from the application by following the instructions below.

  1. Login as a technician who has full administrative privileges on all modules of ServiceDesk Plus MSP (i.e. associated to SD-Admin role).
  2. Go to Admin -> Technicians. You can either delete the Administrator account or you can click on the Administrator and remove the login on selecting Yes.

Since ServiceDesk Plus MSP license is calculated based on number of technician login this will help you save a license for a technician in your organization.

I have recently purchase 110 Dell Optiplex workstations and I would like to add the monitors of these workstations as additional assets and then add them to each workstation. However, I have a license that supports only 250 assets. What can I do in this situation? Can I add the monitors to the workstation as Asset Component ?

You can add them as Asset component which will not be calculated as an asset for license. Click on Admin -> Product Type and add a product type called Monitor and select the Type as component.

You will find the Product Type 'monitor' under Assets -> Resources -> Asset components, where you can add the new component for monitor and associate to an asset.

What are the languages supported by ServiceDesk Plus MSP?

ServiceDesk Plus MSP 7.5 is available in 21 languages: Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Swedish, Traditional Chinese, Turkish and Vietnamese.


I'm using the latest version of ServiceDesk Plus MSP and I'm unable to find the select languages option in Personalize link. Do I require a separate license to avail this feature ?

Customers with Multi Language license will have the option to select language in the Personalize link. You can select the License link in the application to check if Multi Language license is applied. Please contact our Sales Team (sales@manageengine.com) if you require Multi Language license.

Technician A creates a report and schedules it in a periodic basis. Will Technician B be able to view the reports scheduled by Technician A ?

No, technicians cannot view reports scheduled by other technicians.

While creating a new announcement, a technician chooses future date to display the announcement, then what will happen to the announcement ?

The Announcement will not get listed under Announcements in the Home page, instead it will be listed under All Announcements.

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