ADManager Plus integration
with ServiceDesk Plus

Manage your Active Directory from
your IT service desk console.
AD password reset tool

Create and manage AD accounts. Establish secured automation of simple AD activities.

  • Extend internal servicing capabilities to support frequently used Active Directory activities such as user management and user password reset from within the ServiceDesk Plus interface.
  • Invoke Active Directory commands to create, delete, unlock, enable and disable users.
  • Reset user passwords quickly by triggering the corresponding action on ADManager Plus.
  • Create a code-free request menu by associating ADManager Plus actions such as create, delete, unlock, enable and disable users with service catalog or incident templates of ServiceDesk Plus.
  • Customize access permissions to authorized technicians by associating ADManager Plus roles with ServiceDesk Plus roles.
  • If you haven't downloaded ADManager Plus yet, you can do it here.

With the help of ManageEngine's ServiceDesk Plus we were able to centralize and capture over 99% of reported issues. The solution proved easy and user friendly and both IT resources and our stakeholders were able to quickly adapt and utilize the system. ManageEngine continually improves the product with each release adding functionalities that enhance the product and usability.

Eldin Reynolds, IT Infrastructure Manager, Kingston Freeport Terminal Ltd.

Manage your Active Directory from your IT service desk console.

Let's support faster, easier, and together
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