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Asset Module

ServiceDesk Plus>Support>FAQ > Asset management

See for On-Premises

Asset management

Asset Scan

Agent Based Scan

Software License Management

License Types


Assets Scan

  • How do I perform a domain scan in ServiceDesk Plus OnDemand OnDemand?

    Go to Setup -> Probes & Discovery -> Windows domain. Click New Domain, specify the probe with which you want to scan and other domain details. Once added, click the play icon next to the scan to initiate a domain scan.

  • What are the basic requirements for scanning Windows and other network devices?

    Firstly, make sure that the remote registry is running under services.msc in all workstations. Then, check if Port 139 (File Sharing) is open on the target workstations; you should be able to telnet the targeted workstation from the probe machine. Now you'll be able to run the domain scan.

    If you are unable to to connect to Admin$ share, check if you can connect to the admin$ share of the target system from the Probe machine by typing net use \\IP address of the workstation>\admin$ /user: \Username in either Run or Search. If you are not able to, then make sure Port 139 (File Sharing) is open on the target workstations. Also, if all these conditions are met, and you still can't find any error messages, please send us the logs of the probe so that we can further analyze this issue. You will be able to find the log under this directory "C:\ManageEngine\SDPOD\Probelogs".

    Click on the link below to get detailed information on scan related FAQ's,


  • What are the various scanning modes supported by ServiceDesk Plus OnDemand OnDemand? Does workstation scan install any software or agent on the client machines in order to get information like software and hardware?

    The scans are run without agents; you need to install the probe in only one Windows machine to scan your entire network/domain. We also provide logon scripts that can be configured as start-up scripts on user workstations.

  • What are the devices that can be scanned by ServiceDesk Plus OnDemand OnDemand?

    ServiceDesk Plus On Demand can scan Windows workstations/servers and other operating systems such as Linux, Mac, and Windows.

    ServiceDesk Plus On Demand also supports the scanning of IP devices such asPrinters, Routers, Switches, and Access Points.

  • How do I configure ServiceDesk Plus On Demand to perform automatic asset scan?

    Schedule periodic scans under Setup -> Probe & Discovery -> Probes.

  • How can I perform individual scan of workstations which are not in the network? We have sales engineers who are not connected to the network, but we need their workstation information to be present in our ServiceDesk Plus OnDemand OnDemand.
    How do I scan workstations which are outside a domain/network?

    The ADLogonApp.exe file can be configured as a logon script in the active directory with script parameter as . This will scan the target workstations upon user login and push the scanned inventory data to Probe. The Probe will upload the scan result to the Server. The application ADLogonApp.exe is available in the Probe's bin directory.

    Note: Probe will listen in the port 5454 for gathering the scan result from the ADLogonApp. You can run the ADLogon app as a start-up script so that machines will be automatically scanned during login. Please make sure the probe machine is accessible from the target workstations over the internet.

  • I have workstations scanned in ServiceDesk Plus OnDemand OnDemand. But when I scan a newly purchased workstation, ServiceDesk Plus OnDemand overwrites the old workstation with the new information. What is the reason behind this behavior?

    If the new workstation?s Service Tag or Mac address matches an already existing workstation, the scan will overwrite the existing workstations details.

  • How do I scan custom-built PCs? The service tag is not set or is filled with some default values?

    During a scan, the workstations and servers are uniquely identified based on their Service Tags, Name, and MAC address. So for a custom-built PC, the service tag is usually filled with some default values like "System Serial Number," "To be filled by OEM," or some random numbers like "12345678." This results in many machines with similar service tags. To avoid this, add the service tag under Invalid Service Tag; they will be ignored during the scan.

  • How does ServiceDesk Plus OnDemand identify the uniqueness of a workstation?

    A workstation?s name, Mac address, and Service Tag are the unique identifiers of a workstation.

Software License Management

  • What are the software types available in ServiceDesk Plus OnDemand? Can I add software types?

    The different software types in ServiceDesk Plus OnDemand are:

    1. Managed: Licensed Software
    2. Unidentified: Default Software Type when the software is detected by ServiceDesk Plus On Demand
    3. Excluded: Service Packs of software
    4. Prohibited: Software that is prevented from use.

    You can also add custom software types under Admin -> Software Types in Software section.

  • From where does ServiceDesk Plus OnDemand fetch software information for Windows workstations?
    1. From the Control Panel -> Add/Remove Programs and the machine registry
  • How do I add Software Licenses?

    Licenses can be added only for Managed Software.

    1. Go to Assets and choose the software from the left panel.
    2. Click Software Licenses.
    3. On the Software Licenses List View page, click Add New. Alternatively, you can add software license for managed software.
    4. Go Assets -> choose Software -> Scanned Software link under Resources block.
    5. On the Scanned Software List View page, click a managed software.
    6. On that managed software details page, click Action menu -> Add Software Licenses option.
  • What happens to the software license when the asset is marked as Expired or Disposed?

    When the asset is marked as Expired or Disposed, the license allocated to that asset will get disassociated.

  • How do I add CAL License? What are the types of CAL Licenses?

    To add CAL License,

    1. Go to Assets tab -> select Software Licenses under Resource block.
    2. Click Add New button.
    3. In the Add Software License form, select the License Type as Client Access License.

    The different types of CAL Licenses are,

    1. Per Seat per device: You can purchase a CAL license for each device that accesses the server regardless of the number of users who use that device.
    2. Per Seat per User: You can purchase a CAL license for each user who accesses the server for services such as file storage or printing, regardless of the number of devices they use for the access.
    3. Per Processor: You can purchase processor license for each processor in the server on which the software is running. A Processor License includes access for unlimited number of users to connect to the server.
    4. Per Server: You can purchase a CAL license for any device or user that connects to the server. However, the connections are limited.
    5. Per Mailbox: You can purchase a CAL license for accessing the mailbox for Exchange Server.
  • When I set the status of a workstation as "In Store", the installed software is still being metered. Is there a way to exclude the software license for these workstations?

    Deallocate the software license for the workstationunder Assets tab -> click Scanned Software >> Resources.

    Click on the software, select the workstation to de-allocate and click Deallocated License.

  • I have a couple of users who have purchased software for their home PC. These PCs are not scanned and never will be. I have manually created these assets but how do I enter the software for auditing?
    1. Go to Assets tab -> Scanned Software under Resource section.
    2. Click New and add the software with the Software Type as managed.
    3. Go to Workstations under the Resource section. Click the particular workstation.
    4. On the workstation details page, click Actions drop down menu -> Add Software option. Select the particular software from the list.
    5. Now go back to Scanned Software and find the software. On the software details page, click Actions drop down menu -> Add Software License.
    6. Now youthe workstation will be listed under unlicensed installations. Go ahead and allocate the license for the workstation.
  • Can I add custom software license types in the application?

    Yes you can customize software license types under Admin tab -> Software License Types under Software section.

  • I have all my license details in excel. How do I bring it into SDP?

    Go to Assets tab -> Software Licenses option in Resources section. Select Import from CSV option.

    Based on the license key, the existing license will be overwritten.

    Note: Ensure the software name is added correctly in the CSV file to avoid duplicate entries.

  • What does Purchased and Installed column in the Software details page denote?

    Purchased count denotes the number of licensed installations purchased for the software.

    Installation count denotes the number of machines in which the software is installed.

  • What is the difference between Purchased Licenses and Purchased CAL License?

    Purchased Licenses can be attached to the installations allowed for that software in different machines whereas CAL licenses are allowed to access that software from Server to clients.

  • How do I attach the license file to a software license?

    After creating a license for the software, go to that software license to attach the document. Click Actions drop down -> select Attach Documents option to attach files.

  • Is it possible to change the Manufacturer name of the software since I'm unable to do version grouping?

    Yes, go to the Scanned Software List View page, click the software to change the manufacturer name. On the details page, click the [Change] link beside the Manufacturer Name.

  • Where do I track the license agreements? How can I be notified about an agreement expiry?

    To track the license agreement,

    go to Assets tab -> select License Agreement under the Resource section.

  • Is there any way to fetch Microsoft license while scanning the machines?

    This is not possible in the current setup.

License Types

  • What is Concurrent License?

    Concurrent License allows only a specified number of users to log in at any particular point of time and access the application.

  • What is the difference between the License Types Enterprise Subscription and Enterprise Perpetual?

    The Enterprise License Type can be allocated unlimited number of machines because they share the same license key. Enterprise Subscription is an annual subscription model license that you must renew on a yearly basis. Enterprise Perpetual license has no Expiry.

  • What is Volume License Type? How do I use it?

    Volume License Type supports multiple installations. With one volume license, you can specify the number of installations allowed. All these installations will share a common license key. For instance, most of the Operating Systems come with a license based on Volume License Type.

  • What is Named User license type?

    Named User (NU) licensing limits the number of individuals authorized to use software on the computer.

  • When the vendor provides only one license key for 40 license of Adobe Photoshop purchased, What license type need to be used?

    The license type should be Volume. When adding the license for this software, you need to choose Volume so that the license can be applied for 40 workstations.

  • When a package is purchased and its components are installed on different workstations. What type of license I need to choose?

    This software falls under Suite License.

    If the software purchased is Microsoft Office 2013, a suite has to be created as follows.

    • All the Microsoft Office 2013 software has to be set as managed.
    • Then, create a Suite by providing an appropriate Suite Name and choose all the components of Microsoft Office 2013 into it.
    • Define the rule to automatically discover as suite installation if the suite component software installation(s) is greater than or equal to 1 in a computer.

    Note: The above value has to be chosen based on how many components are installed on an asset.

    • Save the settings, this will move all the components into the suite, so there will not be any software under the component assets and will move into the suite.
    • Now create a license for this and associate the same(The license type can be either Individual or Volume).
  • What can be done when a license for Windows 7 has been purchased and the same is applicable for Windows 8 or when there is a direct purchase of Windows 8?

    Consider you have a workstation running Windows 7 and you upgrading it to Windows 8. In the next scan, new software Windows 8 will be added and Windows 8 will be under compliant.

    Now go to Scanned Softwares, choose Windows 8, select Add Software license.

    In the upgrade licenses, select Upgrade From as Windows 7. Once the license is created, it can be allocated to the Workstations running Windows 8 (Upgrade license) as well as machines running Windows 7(Downgrade License).


  • What is the purpose of IT and NON-IT Asset Categorization? How does this correspond to the Max number of Asset or Node license I purchase?

    Assets are categorized as:

    IT Assets: All assets with the product type as IT asset are considered as nodes. These are discovered during the scan process.

    Assets listed under IT Assets correspond to the maximum Number of Asset licenses you purchase. Non IT Assets: All assets whose product type comes under Non-IT asset categorization will be considered as Non-IT Assets.


    Asset Components: Parts of the asset, which do not stand alone, are grouped under components.

  • What is Auto-assign owner?

    You can automate assigning owners to scanned workstations. The application prompts you with suggestions based on last logged users of the scanned workstations. You can also hchange the owner during the assignment process. After the Auto-assign process, the Resource state for workstations is also automatically changed from In Store to In Use. You can find Auto-Assign feature under the Assets tab.

  • I would like to move some assets from one category to another category say, assets listed under workstation category should be moved to the router/printer category.

    You can move assets to different categories by changing the Product Type of the asset. First make note of the Product Name for those workstations you wish to move to the Router/Printer category. Search for the same product name under Setup -> Customization -> Asset Management -> Product. Then, edit and change the product type.

  • How do I change workstation as server?

    We have an option to select the particular asset from the workstation list view and select the Change as Server(s) option under the Actions menu, which will move the asset into the Servers section.

  • How do I change a workstation from being a desktop to a laptop?

    Go to Assets tab -> Workstations -> Click on the workstation that you want to change as Laptop and make a note of the Product name.

    Now, go to Setup -> Customization -> Asset Management -> Products?look for the particular product nameEdit the product and select Laptop.

  • What is the purpose of Groups in the Assets section of ServiceDesk Plus OnDemand?

    You can group assets based on the asset properties. You can group assets of users belonging to the same team and location. Organizing assets based on groups gives you more fine-grained control and helps you manage assets efficiently.

    There are two types of Groups.

    Static group: You have to define the group by listing its members manually.

    Dynamic group: Resources are grouped automatically based on certain criteria such as OS, RAM, Vendor, and so on.

  • I would like to view all the assets belonging to a particular site in a single page. Where can I configure it?

    Dynamic groups help you to group assets per your requirement.

    1. Go to Assets tab -> select Groups under Resources block -> click New Group option.
    2. Provide a name for the group and select the Group Type as Dynamic Group. Click Save.
    3. Define criteria for the group.
  • If the asset status is changed from In Use to Expired or Disposed, will the asset still be calculated as a node and take up a license? Will licensing for retired or unused assets maintained for historical purposes still be calculated as a node?

    Assets moved to Expired or Disposed state will not be consideredas a node. Currently these assets can be scanned and maintained in the system mainly for historic data.

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IT Project Management
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A stand alone Project management tool to deploy an IT task is like having an override switch to bypass what is working now. End of the day the purpose of Project management is to make large projects streamlined and to make your tasks easier to handle. Project Management module in ServiceDesk Plus is a perfectly integrated solution which combines IT Help Desk with Project Management.

IT Project Management

A stand alone Project management tool to deploy an IT task is like having an override switch to bypass what is working now. End of the day the purpose of Project management is to make large projects streamlined and to make your tasks easier to handle. Project Management module in ServiceDesk Plus is a perfectly integrated solution which combines IT Help Desk with Project Management.

Help Desk Software
IT Project Management
Help Desk Software

A stand alone Project management tool to deploy an IT task is like having an override switch to bypass what is working now. End of the day the purpose of Project management is to make large projects streamlined and to make your tasks easier to handle. Project Management module in ServiceDesk Plus is a perfectly integrated solution which combines IT Help Desk with Project Management.

IT Project Management
Help Desk Software

Manage your network IP address space, know how many IPs left out in a subnet, see the connected devices state, system name, device type, owner & more...

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