Email Commands

Stay in Charge of Ticket Workflows with Email Commands
ServiceDesk Plus>Features> Automation>Email parsing commands

    Parse Your Email Tickets with Email Commands. Simplify Ticket Management.

  • Define delimiters to parse emails and execute preconfigured actions.
  • Parse specific emails based on their subject lines.
  • Create, edit, close, pick up, or assign requests using the appropriate operation strings.
  • Parse multiple fields like level, mode, priority, urgency, impact, category, status, and group by defining the commands for each parameter.
What Customers Say
We never knew the importance of an IT help desk software until we got one, and got the right one. We chose ManageEngine's ServiceDesk Plus and it has never disappointed us.
CEO, Medianova

Stay in Charge of Ticket Workflows with Email Commands

Let's support faster, easier, and together