About this webinar

About this webinar
The service desk is a vital component of an organization's co-creation of value, the perception of benefit with stakeholders, most particularly, users. As such, it is an important consideration in plans for continual improvement. When improving the service desk, the primary concern will be the user experience, and getting the best outcomes for users and customers. In order to achieve these and co-create genuine value, it is essential to understand this contribution holistically, including the customer experience as well.
Many metrics, such as call duration, are easy to measure. That does not mean that they are good metrics to measure. What is far more important is to measure the quality of calls in terms of user satisfaction. Furthermore, all metrics must be integrated to understand their contribution to stakeholder outcomes.
A service desk consists of people helping to deliver a service to other people. In order for this to be successful, it is essential to consider their experience—the employee experience (EX).
Effective service governance involves measuring the ability of service desk managers to deliver effective support to their staff and, thus, a good EX, making one of the key value outcome measures of a service desk the satisfaction of the service desk agents themselves.