Actionable messages for Outlook and Office 365.

Don't just reply. Resolve.

ServiceDesk Plus' actionable messages for Outlook and Office 365 enable technicians and end users to process their tickets right from their mailbox. Using the action buttons in these actionable messages, technicians and end users can act on tickets without switching to ServiceDesk Plus.

Actionable help desk messages for requester actions on requests

Requester actions on requests

Once an end user creates a ticket, they're sent an automatic acknowledgement email. This email has action buttons that enable them to:

  • Add notes to their request.
  • Check the request status any time right from their Office 365 mailbox.

Technician actions on requests

Technicians receive an emails with the actionable messages when a ticket is created or assigned to them. And the action buttons in these emails let technicians:

  • Pick up the request.
  • View the request in ServiceDesk Plus for additional information.
  • Add notes to the request.
  • Reply to the requester asking for more information.
  • Close the ticket.
  • Mark the ticket as resolved.
Actionable messages on Outlook & Office 365 - Technician actions on requests
Actionable messages for Outlook & Office 365 - Technician actions on tasks

Technician actions on tasks

Emails with actionable messages are also sent to technicians when a task is created, or when a task is not completed on time. The actions in these kinds of emails include:

  • Adding comments to the task.
  • Viewing the task in ServiceDesk Plus for more information.
  • Closing the task right from the email.

With the help of ManageEngine's ServiceDesk Plus we were able to centralize and capture over 99% of reported issues. The solution proved easy and user friendly and both IT resources and our stakeholders were able to quickly adapt and utilize the system. ManageEngine continually improves the product with each release adding functionalities that enhance the product and usability.

Eldin Reynolds, IT Infrastructure Manager, Kingston Freeport Terminal Ltd.

Don't just reply. Resolve.

Let's support faster, easier, and together
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