ServiceDesk Plus>Features> Integrations>ManageEngine OpManager configuration

Configuration Tasks

Configuring OpManager to automatically log Tickets in ServiceDesk Plus

If you are using both OpManager and ServiceDesk Plus in your network, you can automatically log trouble tickets from OpManager for specific network faults. OpManager can log a ticket in ServiceDesk Plus with the appropriate technician, category and priority fields of the issue filled in. The following are the steps to configure OpManager - ServiceDesk Plus integration

ServiceDesk Plus Configuration Tasks

Since OpManager uses email as the mechanism to log a new ticket, you need to enable the “Email - to - Request” conversion feature in ServiceDesk Plus.

Configure Help Desk Email address

To configure the incoming e-mail settings:

  1. Under the Admin tab, Click the Mail Server Settings icon. The Mail Server Settings page is displayed with the Incoming e-mail settings tab selected by default.
  2. Enter the mail server name, user name, password, e-mail address, port, and the time interval in which the mail needs to be fetched periodically. The time period is in minutes.
  3. The e-mail address is the address to which you want all helpdesk emails to be sent.
  4. Click Save. On successful connection to the server, the success message is displayed.

OpManager Configuration Tasks

1. Configure Mail Server Settings

Since ServiceDesk Plus can convert emails to the helpdesk into new requests, OpManager uses email as the mechanism to log a new ticket. To enable this you need to ensure that Mail Server settings are configured properly in OpManager.

To configure the SMTP server settings globally and to provide the secondary mail server settings, follow the steps given below:

  1. Under the Admin tab, click Mail Server Settings.
  2. Enter the SMTP Server name and Port number.
  3. Select Requires Authentication and enter the User name and Password details, if the server requires authentication to send e-mail.
  4. Click OK to update the changes

If you have a secondary mail server in your network, select Add a secondary mail server and provide the details. In case of failure of primary mail server, OpManager uses secondary mail server to send e-mail and SMS.

2. Configure ServiceDesk Plus Server settings

OpManager must 'know' where ServiceDesk Plus resides to log the ticket. To configure the ServiceDesk Plus settings details, follow the steps given below:

  1. Click Admin tab
  2. From Global Settings column, click Add-On/Products Settings
  3. Click ServiceDesk Plus Settings icon in this screen.
  4. Give the following ServiceDesk Plus server details.
    • Server where ServiceDesk Plus is running: Name or the IP address of the machine where ServiceDesk Plus is installed and running.
    • ServiceDesk Plus server port number : The port number in which the ServiceDesk Plus application is running. Default port is 8080.
    • ServiceDesk Plus login: The user name with which you will log in into ServiceDesk Plus. Default is admin.
    • ServiceDesk Plus password : The password to log in into ServiceDesk Plus. Default password for admin user is admin.
    • HelpDesk Email Address : The email address in the mail server to which the email must be sent. This should be the same as configured in the mail-server settings in ServiceDesk Plus. Example:
    • From Email Address : The initiator's email address. Example:

3. Creating a Ticket Profile

Following are the steps to create a ticket profile

  1. Under Admin tab, click Notification Profiles.
  2. On the right, click Log a Ticket under Add New
  3. Configure the following notification profile details
    • Profile Name
    • Choose the appropriate device category from the Category combo-box
    • Choose the priority of the issue from the Priority combo-box
    • Choose a technician to whom the issue is to be assigned from the Technician combo-box
    • Select the alarm variables such as the alarm severity, device display name etc, from the corresponding combo-box under Ticket Contents. These details are displayed on the issue title
    • Select the required alarm variables to be included for the alarm description. This will provide accurate fault information to the assigned technician
    • Select the criteria for the trouble ticket to be logged into ServiceDesk Plus.
    • Click Submit

4. Associate Notification Profile to Devices

You need to associate the notification profiles with devices to trigger the corresponding action whenever these devices are under trouble.

To associate a profile with devices or a category of devices, you can use the Quick Configuration wizard. For doing so, follow the steps given below:

  1. In the Admin tab, under Tools, click Quick Configuration Wizard.
  2. Select Assign a Notification Profile and click Next.
  3. Choose the profile (the Ticket profile that you created) to be associated with devices and click Next.
  4. Choose an option to associate the profile and click Next.
    • If you select a category, then the profile will be associated with all the devices in the category automatically.
    • If you choose Select devices manually, the next page will list all the managed devices. Move the devices from the list in the left to the one in the right and click Finish.
    • If you choose a business view, the profile will be associated with all the devices in the view. This option will be available only if you have created at least one business view.

To associate a notification profile with a single device, follow the steps given below:

  1. Open the snapshot page of the device.
  2. Under Configure, select Notifications.
  3. Select the profiles for this device and click Submit.

With the help of ManageEngine's ServiceDesk Plus we were able to centralize and capture over 99% of reported issues. The solution proved easy and user friendly and both IT resources and our stakeholders were able to quickly adapt and utilize the system. ManageEngine continually improves the product with each release adding functionalities that enhance the product and usability.

Eldin Reynolds, IT Infrastructure Manager, Kingston Freeport Terminal Ltd.

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