Zoho Cliq integration with ServiceDesk Plus

(Available in Cloud)
Turn any chat window into your very own IT support assistant.

Zoho Cliq is a team communication tool that helps you collaborate, share files, and make audio or video calls. The free edition of Zoho Cliq is available to ServiceDesk Plus (Cloud) users at www.cliq.zoho.com

Self service portal

Raise tickets, search, and view open tickets. Get self-service in your communication tool.

  • Create incidents and service requests from within your messaging application.
  • View a list of any individual's open requests.
  • Search for requests based on ticket ID, subject, or email.
  • View ticket information such as ticket ID, subject, status, priority, and technician details.

List of chat commands

  • To raise an incident from an existing template - '/sdpincident'
  • To raise an incident - '/sdpincident -sub [subject] -des [description]'
  • To raise a request from an existing template - '/sdpservice'
  • To raise a request - '/sdpservice -sub [subject] -des [description]'
  • To search for a request - '/sdpsearch [email, subject keywords, ticket ID]'
  • To view open requests - '/sdpopenrequests [email]'
help desk chat commands

With the help of ManageEngine's ServiceDesk Plus we were able to centralize and capture over 99% of reported issues. The solution proved easy and user friendly and both IT resources and our stakeholders were able to quickly adapt and utilize the system. ManageEngine continually improves the product with each release adding functionalities that enhance the product and usability.

Eldin Reynolds, IT Infrastructure Manager, Kingston Freeport Terminal Ltd.

Turn any chat window into your very own IT support assistant.

Let's support faster, easier, and together
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