SupportCenter Plus Features Field service management

Field service management

Provide hassle-free, on-site support.

What is field service management?

On-site support is required to resolve certain issues for customers. Unfortunately, it can be challenging to juggle support reps among different customer locations. Field service management in SupportCenter Plus allows you to effectively manage support representatives who are in the field and assign them to customer locations based on proximity. This helps in prioritizing jobs; providing consistent, quality support; minimizing the number of unnecessary or cancelled trips; and achieving better performance.

Field service management in SupportCenter Plus

With the Google Maps and Zoho Maps integration, SupportCenter Plus makes it easy to visually locate all of your on-site support reps from a single place. This enables you to plan and coordinate support rep scheduling in order to minimize field staff availability issues, ensure maximum efficiency while reps are in the field, and, ultimately, provide faster support.

Track support reps in the field. Schedule jobs efficiently.

  • Easily access Zoho Maps from within the help desk console.
  • Allow field staff to update their location via the SupportCenter Plus mobile app.
  • Track the current geographical location of field staff from the map view.
  • Use the map view to browse through your support groups and associated support reps effortlessly with basic drop-down filters.
  • Contact administrators, support groups, and support reps directly from the Maps tab.
Field service management
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