iPhone App
ManageEngine SupportCenter Plus iPhone App helps you perform request related operations such as adding requests, editing requests, assigning requests to support reps, replying to requests, adding resolutions and time entries, and closing completed requests. Also you can view Account and Contact details.
Supports request module features such as, creating new request, viewing request details, adding resolution to a request, adding time entry, assigning support reps to a request, closing completed requests and deleting requests.
Any actions performed on the requests are based on the Roles assigned to the support reps.
The following topics are discussed underneath:
Downloading the SupportCenter Plus iPhone App
You can download the SupportCenter Plus iPhone App from App Store by searching for "SupportCenter Plus". It is a free App and does not require any license to be purchased.
For more details, refer this link "http://itunes.apple.com/in/app/supportcenter-plus/id527157494?mt=8".
After installing the App in the iPhone, SupportCenter Plus icon is displayed. Tap the icon
to view the Login screen.

Configuring SupportCenter Plus Server Settings
Before you login SupportCenter Plus iPhone App, you need to configure the Server Name and Port Number of the SupportCenter Plus server.
To configure the server settings,
In the Login screen, tap Server Settings.
Enter the Server name of SupportCenter Plus server. For example: demo.supportcenterplus.com
Enter the Port Number of SupportCenter Plus server. For example: 8080
Tap the Protocol of the SupportCenter Plus server, whether server is running in HTTP or HTTPS mode.

Tap Done to save the server settings. The Login screen is displayed again.
Logging into SupportCenter Plus iPhone App
On configuring the server settings and saving it, the screen opens to display the login screen again.
Tap Login.
Request List view
The Request List view displays the Open or Unassigned requests by default. The Request List view displays a total of 50 requests per page. The requests are displayed along with the Request Title, Contact Name, Due by Date and Priority of the request.

Using the Filter icon
, you can select request filters which you want to display in the request list view. From this page, you can also Add Request
and configure App Settings

Configuring Settings
Settings help you switch between Business Units to view requests. Apart from this, you can select Logout Options to automatically logout of the application; view the login details; enable Speech Recognition to use your voice to create and edit requests; know more about SupportCenter Plus and a Logout button to manually logout of the application.

Business Unit
You can select the business unit to view the requests.
To select Business Unit,
Tap the business unit.
Select the business unit. The selected business unit is indicated with a tick mark.
Tap Settings to go back to the Settings page.
Log Out
You can set the logout options to automatically logout of the SupportCenter Plus application when the application is closed, or logout every 7 days or never logout of the application. Select the Logout Options.

If you want to manually logout of the application, tap Logout.
Adding Requests
To add request using SupportCenter Plus iPhone App,
In the Request List view, tap the Add Request icon
. The Add Request form is displayed.

Select Contact Name to add the name of the contact. In this page, you can either search for an existing contact or add a new contact.
To search for a contact,
Enter the search string of the contact in the search field.
Tap Search button. The search result matching the search string is displayed.
Select the contact from the search result.
To add a new contact,
Tap the Add Contact icon
. The Add Contact form is displayed.
Enter the name of the Contact in the field provided.
Enter the email ID of the contact in the E-mail field.
Tap Done. The Contact name is displayed in the Add Request form.

Enter the Title of the request. The title is a one liner which gives a brief summary of the request. The title is displayed as the request title and is a mandatory field.
Enter the detailed Description of the request. Tap Done to go back to the Add Request form.
Tap Save. The Request is displayed in the Request list view along with the Contact Name and the Due by Date.
Performing Request related operations
Viewing Request Details
The Request Details page lists the details of the request such as the Request ID, Contact Name, Request Title, Support Rep assigned to this request, Due by Date, Status of the request and the Request Description. You can also view the entire request properties using the Request Properties icon

From the request details page, you can perform the following operations:
Editing Request
You can edit the request properties such as status, mode, level, priority, group, support rep, category, sub-category, item, product, created date, created by, response dueby time, and due date.
In the request details page, tap the Actions icon and select Edit option from the drop down. The Edit Properties page is displayed.
Edit the request properties as required.
Click Save.
Assigning Request
To assign support rep to a request,
In the request details page, tap the Actions icon
to select Assign option from the drop down. The Support reps are listed.
Select a support rep from the Support Rep list.
Tap Done.
A message appears stating the request is successfully assigned to the selected support rep. Tap OK.
Replying to the contact
In the request details page, tap the Actions icon
to select Reply option from the drop down. The Reply page is displayed.

Enter the To address of the contact.
If you want to send the same information to more than one person then enter the e-mail address of those people in the CC field with comma as a separator.
The Subject is pre-populated. You can edit the subject if required.
Enter the detailed description relevant to the request in the Description field.
If you would like to include the previous content of the mail, tap Yes beside Include original content field.
Tap Send button. An e-mail is sent to the contact.
Forwarding Requests to Support Reps
In the request details page, tap the Actions icon
to select Forward option from the drop down. The Forward page is displayed.
Enter the To address of the support rep.
You can also send the same information to more than one support rep by specifying the mail address in CC field.
The Subject is pre-populated. You can edit the subject if required.
Provide a detailed description with any other associated details relevant to the request in the Description text box.
If you would like to include the previous content of the mail, tap Yes beside Include original content field.
Tap Send to send the mail to the concern support rep.
Conversations and Notes
All the mail transactions between the support rep handling the request and contact, and the notes added to the request can be viewed as Conversation and Notes in the request details page.
Viewing Conversations and Notes
Tap the Conversations and Notes icon
in the request details page to view the conversation and notes list.

Adding Notes
To add note to a request:
Tap the Conversations and Notes icon
in the request details page.
Tap the Add Note button to open the Add Note page.

Enter the content in the text area.
The note added can be made public or private.
If you want the notes to be visible to the contact (public), then tap Yes beside Show To Contact field. Else tap No, if you want only the support reps to view the notes (private).
Tap Save button. The note is added along with a date and time stamp. The name of the person who added the note is also displayed.
You can add any number of notes to a request. You also have options to delete the notes.
Deleting Requests
In the request details page, tap the Actions icon
to select Delete option from the drop down.
Tap Delete Request. The request is deleted from the list.
Using Resolution option, you can enter resolution for a request, view existing resolution and edit them if required.
Adding Resolution
In the Request Details page, tap Resolution icon
Enter the Resolution in the field provided.
You can also change the status of the request by tapping the Status field and selecting the status from the Status list.
Tap Save.
A message appears stating that the resolution is saved successfully. Tap OK.
Editing Resolution
In the Request Details page, tap Resolution icon
Tap Edit. The Edit option is available only if a resolution is added to the request.
Edit the resolution and tap Save.
A message appears stating that the resolution is saved successfully. Tap OK.
Time Entries
Using Time Entry option, you can record the total time spent on resolving a request. You can Add, View, Edit and Delete Time Entry.
Adding Time Entry
In the request details page, tap Time Entry icon
. The All Time Entries List view is displayed listing all the Time Entries added for the request. If no Time Entries are added to the request, then a No Time Entries message is displayed.
From this page, tap the Add Time Entry icon
. The Time Entry form is displayed.

Tap Support Rep and select the support rep who had resolved the request.
Select the Time (Date and Time) taken to execute the request using the calendar. Tap Done once you select the date and time.
Enter the Time Taken to Resolve the request in Hours and Minutes.
The Support Rep's Cost per hour is displayed automatically if cost details are entered for the support rep.
If there are any Additional Cost, then the same can be provided in the field.
The Total Cost in $ is automatically populated on entering the above two fields.
Specify the Description about the time spent details in the given text box.
Tap Yes to mark the time entry as Billable or No to mark the time entry as Non-billable.
Tap Save. The Time Entry is added in the Time Entries List view.
Viewing Time Entries
In the request details page, tap Time Entry icon
. The Time Entries List view is displayed listing all the Time Entries added for the request.
The Time Entries are displayed along with the name of the Support Rep who had resolved the request, the Time taken to Execute the request and the cost details.
Select a Time Entry to view the details.
The Time Entry details page displays the data entered while adding the Time Entry.

NOTE: From the Time Entry details page, you can edit and delete the Time Entry.
Editing Time Entry
In the Time Entry details page, tap Edit icon
. The fields in the Time Entry form turn editable.
You can select the Support Rep, select the Executed Time, edit the Time Taken To Resolve the request, edit the Additional cost, Total Costs and Description of the time entry.
Tap Yes to mark the time entry as Billable or No to mark the time entry as Non-billable.
Tap Save. The details are saved and listed in the Time Entries list view page.
Deleting Time Entry
In the Time Entry details page, tap Delete icon
Tap Delete. The Time Entry is deleted from the Time Entries List view.
Closing Request
When the contact is completely satisfied that his/her request has been completely attended to and the reported problem has been resolved by the support rep, then the request can be closed by the support rep.
If you have selected the mandatory fields to be filled while closing the request in Request Closing Rules, then enter the mandatory field and close the request. Else an error message appears and the request cannot be closed unless the field value is entered.
To close the request:
In the request details page, tap the Actions icon
to select Close option from the drop down.
Tap Close. A message appears stating that the request is closed successfully. Tap OK.
If you have enabled the option to send survey on completion of request, a survey form is sent to the contact via mail. Alternatively, you can also change the status field to Closed while editing the request.
Viewing Accounts
On clicking the Accounts icon
, the page redirects you to the Accounts List View page where you can view all the accounts created in SupportCenter Plus. To view an account, tap the account name in the list view page. You can view the account details such as annual revenue, email id, website, phone, fax, industry, time zone, business units, address, phone and description.

Viewing Contacts
On clicking the Contacts icon
, the page redirects you to the Contacts List View page where you can view all the contacts added in SupportCenter Plus and the contacts added while adding request through iPhone. To view the contact info, tap the contact in the list view page. You can view the contact details such as account, phone, mobile, email id, alternate email, job title and description. You can also view the contact info by clicking the contact icon
in the Request Details page.

Limitations of SupportCenter Plus iPhone App
Supports only Request module.
Supports to view Accounts and Contacts.
Inline edit for changing the request properties is not supported.
Requests cannot be created through Request Template though templates are configured in the server.
Contacts and Support Reps without Request module access will not be able to login in the iPhone App.