Every enterprise dreams of eliminating downtime. You can never imagine the risks involved when a critical server like Remote Access Plus which manages all your computers fails. Though these are quite uncertain, planning to handle those risks makes business smarter. Remote Access Plus now addresses your need to be pro-active than reactive, by introducing "Failover Server".

Failover server architecture

Failover server architecture setup – ManageEngine Remote Access Plus

How failover server works ?

As the term refers, failover server brings in an additional server, which actively monitors the primary server and takes over the operations when the primary fails. You will have time to restore the failed one, without any risk from intruders, lack of productivity and more. All communications from the managed computers are directed through a virtual IP address, which means a change in the primary server does not impact the routine. This feature is available as an Add-on to Remote Access Plus. 

Learn more about, setting up failover server

Want to try this feature ?

Ensure that you are in the build 10.0.458 or above, else upgrade: service packs.

Try it for free, from Remote Access Plus web console, navigate to Admin tab-->Server Settings -> Failover server-->click 'Try Failover Server'

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