Remote Access Plus Architecture

ManageEngine Remote Access Plus is an enterprise remote troubleshooting solution that helps system administrators simplify their mundane troubleshooting routines from a central location with advanced remote control and associated features. This page will help you understand how Remote Access Plus works with detailed architecture and ports involved.

Remote Access Plus includes the following components,

    1. Server
    2. Agent
    3. Web console

How Remote Access Plus works?

Remote Desktop Management - ManageEngine Remote Access Plus Architecture


Remote Access Plus being an on-premises solution, the first step after downloading the .exe, is to host the server in any of the Windows computers in your network. Read the detailed system requirements. Server acts as the central point from which, various troubleshooting operations can be remotely initiated.

Web Console

Remote Access Plus is completely web based and browser compatible i.e, one can access server from anywhere within the local network. To access Remote Access Plus server, one has to use any of the supported browsers and provide either the server name, IP address or the FQDN followed by the port details.
For example, http://(server-name / IP address / FQDN):8020

Active Directory

Remote Access Plus is capable of managing multiple domains, workgroups and Active Directories. On the very instance of server installation, Remote Access Plus comes with a default admin account and provides you the list of discovered domains in your network. All you have to do is to select a domain and provide your domain credentials with administrator privilege. This credential is used for the following reasons,

      1. To parse your domain controller and list your active directory objects.
      2. To silently apply the agent installable on demand.

Know how to add more domains or workgroups


After adding the domains and workgroups you want to manage using Remote Access Plus, you can instantly start performing remote troubleshoot operations. The first time you remotely connect to any computer belonging to the added domain/workgroup, a very light weight agent installable will be silently installed. Know the supported OSs

Ports Required

Remote Access Plus requires a set of ports for seamless functioning and troubleshooting. The list is as follows.

Port Purpose Type Connection
8020 Web-server port - Non-SSL TCP Inbound to server
8383 Web-server port - SSL TCP Inbound to server
8027 Notification Server TCP Inbound to server
8443 Remote Control - SSL TCP & UDP Inbound to server
8444 Remote Control - Non- SSL TCP Inbound to server
49152 - 65535
(Both viewer and client side)
Voice and Video Chat UDP Inbound to server

Securing the communication

Remote Access Plus follows a client-server architecture thereby,

    1. All your network computers with the Remote Access Plus agent installed, will communicate with the server for every 90 minutes to check for updates.
    2. Server connects with the agent whenever a remote operation is initiated from the console. Any communication between Remote Access Plus server and agent is completely secured with SSL certificate bundled along with the product package. You can also import third party SSL certificate. Know how to secure communication with third party SSL.
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