Steps to integrate Remote Access Plus with ServiceDesk Plus

Steps involved in this integration:

  1. Pre-requisites
  2. Integrate from Remote Access Plus
  3. Integrate from ServiceDesk Plus


  1. Generate API key to integrate the solutions.
  2. API key can be created only for the logged-on user having administrative privileges.
  3. The integration is available for the following builds:
    • Remote Access Plus: 10.1.2228.8
    • ServiceDesk Plus - 14000 and above

Integrate from Remote Access Plus

If you want to integrate from Remote Access Plus console follow the below steps: 

  1. Login to Remote Access Plus web console using admin credentials and navigate to Admin -> Integrations -> ServiceDesk Plus Settings -> Integrate with ServiceDesk Plus.
  2. Type in the server IP address / DNS name of the ServiceDesk Plus server along with the configured server port number.
  3. Click on Generate to get the API key. Copy the key and paste it into API Key and click on Save.
  4. Once done, click on Yes Proceed to integrate.

Integrate from ServiceDesk Plus

If you want to integrate from ServiceDesk Plus console follow the below steps:

Currently logged-on technician:

  1. Click on the user icon from the top-right corner of the console
  2. Click API Key Generation or Personalize -> API Key Generation
  3. Copy the generated key and update it in the Remote Access Plus console under Admin -> Integrations -> ServiceDesk Plus settings -> ServiceDesk Plus details.

New technician:

  1. Navigate to Admin -> User Administration -> Users and click on Technicians.
  2. Furnish technician details such as personal details, employee details, contact information, cost details, department details, assign group(s) for the technician, and select permissions by choosing an appropriate project role for the technician.
  3. The next step is to enable login for this technician by providing login details such as name, password, and domain. Also, enable administrator privileges (SDAdmin) by choosing the appropriate checkbox.
  4. Under API key details, either generate or regenerate the API key.
  5. Paste the generated key in Remote Access Plus console under Admin -> Integrations -> ServiceDesk Plus settings -> ServiceDesk Plus details.

Existing technician:

To generate the API key for an existing technician, edit the technician details and generate the API key under API key details.

Have any queries? Follows these FAQ's and overview to sort it out.

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